Monday, November 16, 2009

Anyone with Skin Tags?

I have skin tags that keep popping up. Is there a way besides cutting them or freezing them off to get rid of them? They are under my armpits, in the folds of my legs near my crotch (sorry, TMI), and other random places. How can I stop getting them? They are annoying!!!

Anyone with Skin Tags?
The reason that they are there is because of friction.

It is basically just a flap of skin caused by friction.

So really, you are always going to have them.

I am not sure about removal.

I have only heard of cutting or freezing.

And quite frankly, I wouldn't want that happening to my body time and time again because you will just end up with more.
Reply:Nope, cutting or burning.

I got some burned off at the doctors office. It's quick and easy. You don't need to go to a dermatologist, your regular doc can do it.

You can cut them off yourself, but they hurt like hell, and they bleed a lot, and typically are in places where a bandaid doesn't really work well.
Reply:They start because of the skin rubbing together. Cutting them off or freezing is the only way to get rid of them.
Reply:I hate to tell you this sweetheart, but they are forever. I have them and see a dermatologist. She either snips them away or freezes them. Sometimes they need more than one treatment. I leave her office looking like bloody dots all over. That only last a day or so. They stay away for months at a time but they come back. I would just take care of the one's you see and try not to worry about it. I think I heard they are a virus.


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