Saturday, April 24, 2010

What are skin tags? how do you get them and how do you remove them?

A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.

What are skin tags? how do you get them and how do you remove them?
they are basically little flaps of skin....

the doctor said that some people are just predisposed to getting other words~hereditery.

a doctor can 'snip' them off....had it done more than once.
Reply:I got those nasty things years ago. I went to the doctor and he burned them off with a little device (no, it did not hurt.). I had them mainly around the back of my neck (where a necklace would rub) and on the back of my shoulders (where the bras straps would rub). He removed something like 50 of those things--some were barely visible with the human eye.

I have gotten just a few more over the last 10 years--and will have them removed too. I have heard there is a home method to remove them--have someone tie a piece of thread around one and tie a knot. The restricted blood flow will cause the skin tag to fall off.
Reply:They are little pieces of skin that resemble moles that stick out. Usually found around the neck/shoulder area. I'm not sure how or why people get them, I started getting them when I was pregnant the last time. The doctor told me it was hormones. They can be removed very easily by a doctor. Basicly they just snip them off with a pair of special sissors. No big deal.
Reply:A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin. Skin tags can occur almost anywhere there is skin. However, favorite areas for tags are the eyelids, neck, armpits (axillae), upper chest, and groin. In cases in which a skin tag is irritated or cosmetically unwanted, treatment may be done by freezing the tag with liquid nitrogen, tying off the tag with a thread or suture so as to cut off the blood supply, or cutting off (excising) the tag with a scalpel or scissors.
Reply:ive had them and they are just growths that are genenic and happen sometimes. I got them randomly and i picked them off and they never came back. go to the doctor and they can remove them if you want too.
Reply:I cut them off with fingernail clippers, and it does hurt.
Reply:Skin tags are a small outgrowth of skin tissue. I read somewhere in the last few days that clear nail polish kept on for three days will make the tags drop off. You have to keep applying the polish. Otherwise, there are some meds out there that is supposed to help. You can also see a doctor to have them removed. They are benign.

Why are skin tags so common in your armpits?

Because of the friction of your skin- that's how they develop. What's cool is that you can have them easily removed!

Why are skin tags so common in your armpits?
Reply:Probably it's because your bra rubs against them. As the other person mentioned, it's easy to get them removed.

What causes skin tags? Is there a natural way to get rid of them?

What causes skin tags?

It is not know what causes skin tags. However, the following factors may play a role:

Chaffing and irritation from skin rubbing together

High levels of growth factors, particularly during pregnancy or in acrogmegaly (gigantism)

Insulin resistance (syndrome X)

Human papilloma virus (wart virus)

How can they be removed?

Skin tags can be removed for cosmetic reasons by the following methods:

Cryotherapy (freezing)

Surgical excision (often with scissors)

Electrosurgery (diathermy)

Ligation (a suture is tied around the neck of the skin tag)

What causes skin tags? Is there a natural way to get rid of them?
i've heard it's and extension of a blood vein, that has been rubbed for long periods of time. i think age and size have alot to do with it personally. i know of no cure except a dr's visit.


I have skin tags under my eyes does anyone know how to get rid of them short of burning them off my doctor say

If they're near your eyes I would let a professional take care of them.

I have skin tags under my eyes does anyone know how to get rid of them short of burning them off my doctor say
the doctor will use dry ice to do it, it doesnt hurt and takes a couple of days to come off
Reply:Burning them off cauterizes the blood flow that they may have. It takes a second.
Reply:take a piece of string or dental floss and tie it tight around it to cut off the blood flow, and it will pretty much just die and fall off...
Reply:Tie a piece of floss round them until the skin dies and falls off.....????

No way- burning is the fastest and easiest.....only hurts a tiny bit, but close your eyes just in case.

ok, I get rid of them all the time by myself, there are a few things.

#1.) pull out a piece of your hair or get a very thin thread, wrap it around the skin tag and leave it there for a few hours. the blood will drain from the area and then you take a toe nail clipper and clip it off. apply pressure to sstop active bleeding

#2.) just clip it off, if it's a small one. apply pressure to stop active bleeding

you will have to use triple antibiotic ointment on the cut and a bandaid. make sure to clean the toe nail clipper with alcohol before and after and use the ointment to prevent infection.

I do this ALL THE TIME, my doctor always wants to do it, but I have taken them off from all over my body this way and it never bothers me, and I save a bunch of money

What Causes "Skin Tags"?

Black people get skin tags often, but if you are white, then they probably come from friction from necklaces or sweating.

What Causes "Skin Tags"?
there is no certain cause of skin tags. some think that they could be due to friction when skin is rubbed together - they're more common in the groin or armpits.

What causes skin tags,is it age?

A skin tag, also known as an achrochordon, is a benign growth of skin that is connected to the body by a short stalk. Skin tags are found most commonly on the armpits, neck, and groin. People who develop skin tags tend to get more as they grow older. Skin tags can be surgically removed.What causes skin tags is unknown, but they do appear more frequently in areas where the skin is rubbed by clothing or by other body parts, such as in creases like your underarm. They also tend to appear in hot, moist places such as under the breasts, between the thighs, or around the genitals.

What causes skin tags,is it age?
It could be a sign of insulin resistance.

Anyone else? skin tags by ears, poor hearing, ruptured ear drum,?

My 7month old baby was born with large pendulous skintags on the outsides of both ears. He failed his newborn hearing test 2x in the left ear, before passing it on a 3rd try before being referred to an audiologist. In less than 4 months, he has had 3 ear infections (left ear only), 2 of which had only one symptom: a ruptured ear drum- no fever, no complaining, no eating problems- just yellow slime seeping out of his little ear (NO, we don't smoke at ALL, he doesn't lay down with a bottle, and I don't clean his ears with q-tips-in fact, they're pretty clean naturally). He also has a large (fist-sized) lumpy non-colored birthmark on his lower back- but I don't think that's tied into it. My pediatrician says it's all coincidence, but it seems like too much is going on with his left ear to me. Has anyone else dealt with this combination of symptoms? Was it indicative of an inner-ear abnormality? My pediatrician won't refer to a specialist unless he has 1 more ear infection.

Anyone else? skin tags by ears, poor hearing, ruptured ear drum,?
I work for an ENT and it sounds like your little boy needs tubes. The yellow puss coming out of his ear draining from an infection. Did you know that a lot of specialists do not make you have a referral. It is the insurance company who makes you get one. Check with your insurance company and see if you have to have one. If you do need one I would see another pediatrician. Some kids only have drainage when they have an ear infection and no other symptoms. To prevent ear infections though as you know no bottle while laying down and also dont get water in his ears during bath time. Good Luck


What causes skin tags?

My fella's covered in them!!!

What causes skin tags?
normally when skin constantly is rubbing against skin. my boyfriend has them on his inner arm from playing ping pong for so many years. the same repititous movements causes them to form.

if they bother him he can get them removed. the doctor "freezes" it then snips it off. apparently it doesnt hurt that bad
Reply:IDK but I have one
Reply:No one really knows.
Reply:They are caused by clothes rubbing against the skin, especially around the neck, underarms etc. They are harmless.
Reply:I have them too, under one arm, its really annoying, I am waiting for some of your answers with great interest.
Reply:I think they're genetic cause me and my sis are like my daddy and we have loads on our necks but my mum and brothers don't. (my bros are like mum)
Reply:IDK either but they can be removed easily usually at birth.
Reply:they're usually hereditary. however, they are harmless and can be removed easily and painlessly.
Reply:Had one- doc took it off in 2 seconds with a clipper and some silver nitrate.

Cells are always being created and growing, right (just like they're always dying)? Well, sometimes, cells grow in a clump...and start building out instead of where they normally would. The resulting clump is a skin tag.
Reply:they are benign tumours or growths that usually occur as one get older = middle age anf beyond.

Hee is a link for more info
Reply:I just had a few removed a few months ago. My doctor told me that they are caused by genetics. I get them from my dad's side of the family.
Reply:I had several around my neck area that would always get snagged on my necklaces. I went to a dermatologist who froze them off.It lasted for about 15 years. When they came back, I went to a different dermatologist who injected each of them with something. It stung like crazy! But, they are back again for the third time. I have never been told of the cause, but I think I will Google it when I get off of here.
Reply:try this site

cathybaby x
Reply:I was under the impression they are caused by the paploma virus which also causes warts and verrucas.
Reply:i can't shake this feeling from my head.

there's a devil sleeping in my bed.

watching you from across the way.

i cannot make this feeling go away
Reply:this is the truth

skin tags are caused by over masturbating............

you have to talk to him because the next symptom is blindness..................................

What are skin tags?

ask your doctor, i clipped mine off with fingernail clippers!!! painful!!

What are skin tags?
Skin tags aka fleshy moles are non-malignant forms of moles.
Reply:A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.
Reply:Little pieces of tiny skin hanging off your neck. Really not hurtful just ugly to look at.

I know tags are gross. How can I get rid of them?

My son in law has skin tags. He hated them so he decided to do something about it and he went to the doctor. They removed them, right in the office. He is glad he did it. If you want to get rid of them too, please see your doctor. He can safely remove them for you.

I know tags are gross. How can I get rid of them?
You go to the doc and he will take them off for you.
Reply:If they are not too big, I clip them with fingernail clippers (sterilized first). Then I put cotton over it like after you give blood.

Other than that, I think you have to go see the doc!
Reply:ask a dermatologist.
Reply:I have a few of these, and, while they're aggravating, as in, when granddaughter wants to pull on them, they're not a health hazard, and I've had them most of my life.. so, I leave them alone..

I would guess it would depend on where they are located.

I have skin tags on my face and would like to try a natural at home product to remove them! Does it work?

I have skin tags under my arm, i went to the dr. and she numbed them and than they clipped them off, didn't hurt. if you try anything else they might get infected, some say you can tie a string around them. tie it as tight and you can stand it and they will fall off, cause they get no blood to them and they just fall off. that is one way, be careful that they don't get infected.

I have skin tags on my face and would like to try a natural at home product to remove them! Does it work?
it might be better to go to the docs, but if you tie a thin piece of cotton tightly around it, it will kind of ''suffocate'' it and 'fall off, the doc did that to my mum, and the tag went within 2 days!

good luck, and be careful with it

shell flower

How are skin tags removed?

I heard you cut them.. my doctor wanted to in the office but I was nervous and said no, now I want to.. can I just cut them with scissors? Is there anything I can use to numb the area? Thanks.

How are skin tags removed?
There are a number of ways to remove skin tags. Small ones that don't carry a large blood supply can be snipped off with scissors or nail clippers. They can be tied with fine thread, left to die from lack of blood flow, and fall off, or they can be frozen. I've removed some small ones with Compound W Freeze Off (available over the counter). If you're going to snip them, you can try numbing them with ice beforehand. Ice will also decrease the blood flow. Be sure to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding when you're done. There are also some creams sold that claim to remove them, though I've never seen anyone who actually used them with success.
Reply:Let the Doctor do them it will be quick and painless.
Reply:The fast way is to have the doctor freeze them off or cut them or tie them off. The slow way is to learn why you have them in the first place, and change your lifestyle to remove them. Mine were likely the result of my hypoglycemia needing places to put fat and tissue and water.

If you want to know more about hypoglycemia and what causes that condition, there is basic info at
Reply:They can be scraped off with a scarp blade.

Let your doctor do it - it is quick and painless.

Can skin tags grow?


Have an MD look after them they are very vascular and can bleed a lot - so it's best to have them removed by an MD.

Are skin tags dangerous?

No just a nuisance, although I did get one caught in the zipper of my coat once. Ouch!

Are skin tags dangerous?
not that I have heard..just sort of gross...if you can swing it, see the dermatologist and get them zapped off
Reply:A skin tag is a soft, skin-colored growth that hangs from the surface of the skin on a thin piece of tissue called a stalk. Its medical name is acrochordon. Skin tags are not skin cancer and cannot turn into skin cancer.
Reply:I have a number of them all over my neck and under my arms. My doctor told me that as long as you don't cut them off they should not be a problem, at least not cut them off yourself. They can cause skin cancer if you mess with them too much.
Reply:Not at all! My daughter was born with one on her ear, I had it removed when she was 6 months old.
Reply:Not unless they get irritated or infected which may happen if they get routinely chafed.

Mine went away when I started getting my blood sugars under control (hypoglycemic). has info on hypoglycemia.

I have dark skin, and skin tags in my under arms, but I am a fair skinned person, any ideas how to lighten it?

They have been like this as long as i remember (post puberty) I am always conscious of them if I wear a strappy top, because I think they look dirty!

I have dark skin, and skin tags in my under arms, but I am a fair skinned person, any ideas how to lighten it?
The reading I have done regarding blood sugar imbalances indicated that skin tags are just one place your body stores excess fluid and "fuel". This happens if you have overproduction of insulin resulting in low blood sugar. Check out for more info on how high insulin causes low blood sugar.

The discoloration may be due to some other thing. I think tinea versicolor can be caused by a candida overgrowth. Candida likes bodies that are blood sugar imbalanced. There is some info about candida (yeast) at, too.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.
Reply:Not sure about the dark skin but the skin tags can easily be removed with liquid nitrogen at your G.P's
Reply:try bleeching them dye them or if you are really depearate there are lazor treatments you can have done wax may also help

hope this is useful

Reply:tie a piece of string tightly round the tags they drop of in days.

I think every women's armpits are slightly darker.
Reply:thats normal all these celebritys photos of their arm pits,the imperfection are edited out or sometimes there not depends on what the media want to make out of them
Reply:See a dermatologists about the skin tags; I wouldn't suggest removing them on your own.

We are all our own worst critic; I'm sure the skin isn't as bad as you may think. I find using Nair instead of shaving helps with the darkness.

Reply:Research a syndrome called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Skin tags and darkening of the skin are two symptoms of it.

As to how to get rid of them, go see a dermatologist. Anything that they prescribe would be stronger than stuff over the counter and more controlled.
Reply:Go to a doctor and get them removed. Don't try cutting one off yourself.They bleed forever. I tried that once.The dark skin , try a skin lightner, you find it in the cosmetic section. night creams ,wrinkle creams, and stuff like that.


Are skin tags in the vaginal opening normal?

i recently found one and i am concerned, it is very small though. is this normal?

Are skin tags in the vaginal opening normal?
I hate to say this, but that sounds like HPV-Human Papiloma Virus or a Vaginal Wart. Get it checked out by your doctor asap.
Reply:Of course they are.
Reply:whats a skin tag..... sorry but i really have never heard that before
Reply:I really don't know if it's normal or not, but I have heard of it before. As far as it being a sign of illness or disease, I don't know, and it really may be in your best interests to get it checked out.
Reply:It could be part of the hymen that broke off or detached from the rest. That's really all the hymen is, a membrane on the vaginal opening. I would probably still get it checked by a doctor, though.

Are skin tags contagious?

As far as I am aware they're not. I've had 1 for years and I've never gotten another one. Some people just get them more than others.

Are skin tags contagious?
Reply:They seem to be.

Not all people have them but when they come into contact with someone who does get them - all of a sudden they will start to develop them - so they Do seem to be contagious.

But I have no idea what the method of transmission is, if they have to do with a virus, or what.

Aparently however thay are not cancerious - only annoying.

Can skin tags be tranferred from person to person?

Not likely, that would be gross!

Can skin tags be tranferred from person to person?
Reply:Of course, all you need is a scalpel and a staple gun.
Reply:never heard of this explain

They are like freckles and moles...actually they are a type of mole.
Reply:No, a skin tag is just skin...not a disease or infection.
Reply:No, its a physical injury, not a contagious disease. It is caused by skin rubbing against skin. Best wishes.
Reply:no, they usually come from hormonal levels. Pregnant women really have a tendency to get them.
Reply:No they are not contagious.
Reply:No. However, it can be passed down through genetics.'s because when your skin rubs up next to someone else's...your skin or their's will say..."Tag!" "You're it!"

Get it? That's why it's called "skin tag".

How can skin tags be eliminated?

The dermatologist can cut them off, sometimes the fall off on their own, some people say you can tightly wind a hair around them and they will fall off, but Im not recomending it

How can skin tags be eliminated?
They can be frozen off in a doctor's office,but they will often return.

elephant foot

What causes skin tags? Are they dangerous ?

I got one under my left armpit strange area and it tender

What causes skin tags? Are they dangerous ?
A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.

Skin tags are frequently found on the eyelids, neck, chest, armpits, and groin.

Treatments include freezing, tying off with a thread or suture, or cutting off.
Reply:No they are not dangerous just annoying.They can be removed by your doctor real easy.As you get older your body continues too change.If you have one now you might get more later if it runs in your family!They can get tender if they are in an area where the are irritated by rubbing clothes etc.

What are skin tags?

ask your doctor, i clipped mine off with fingernail clippers!!! painful!!

What are skin tags?
Skin tags aka fleshy moles are non-malignant forms of moles.
Reply:A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.
Reply:Little pieces of tiny skin hanging off your neck. Really not hurtful just ugly to look at.

I know tags are gross. How can I get rid of them?

My son in law has skin tags. He hated them so he decided to do something about it and he went to the doctor. They removed them, right in the office. He is glad he did it. If you want to get rid of them too, please see your doctor. He can safely remove them for you.

I know tags are gross. How can I get rid of them?
You go to the doc and he will take them off for you.
Reply:If they are not too big, I clip them with fingernail clippers (sterilized first). Then I put cotton over it like after you give blood.

Other than that, I think you have to go see the doc!
Reply:ask a dermatologist.
Reply:I have a few of these, and, while they're aggravating, as in, when granddaughter wants to pull on them, they're not a health hazard, and I've had them most of my life.. so, I leave them alone..

I would guess it would depend on where they are located.

I have skin tags on my face and would like to try a natural at home product to remove them! Does it work?

I have skin tags under my arm, i went to the dr. and she numbed them and than they clipped them off, didn't hurt. if you try anything else they might get infected, some say you can tie a string around them. tie it as tight and you can stand it and they will fall off, cause they get no blood to them and they just fall off. that is one way, be careful that they don't get infected.

I have skin tags on my face and would like to try a natural at home product to remove them! Does it work?
it might be better to go to the docs, but if you tie a thin piece of cotton tightly around it, it will kind of ''suffocate'' it and 'fall off, the doc did that to my mum, and the tag went within 2 days!

good luck, and be careful with it


How are skin tags removed?

I heard you cut them.. my doctor wanted to in the office but I was nervous and said no, now I want to.. can I just cut them with scissors? Is there anything I can use to numb the area? Thanks.

How are skin tags removed?
There are a number of ways to remove skin tags. Small ones that don't carry a large blood supply can be snipped off with scissors or nail clippers. They can be tied with fine thread, left to die from lack of blood flow, and fall off, or they can be frozen. I've removed some small ones with Compound W Freeze Off (available over the counter). If you're going to snip them, you can try numbing them with ice beforehand. Ice will also decrease the blood flow. Be sure to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding when you're done. There are also some creams sold that claim to remove them, though I've never seen anyone who actually used them with success.
Reply:Let the Doctor do them it will be quick and painless.
Reply:The fast way is to have the doctor freeze them off or cut them or tie them off. The slow way is to learn why you have them in the first place, and change your lifestyle to remove them. Mine were likely the result of my hypoglycemia needing places to put fat and tissue and water.

If you want to know more about hypoglycemia and what causes that condition, there is basic info at
Reply:They can be scraped off with a scarp blade.

Let your doctor do it - it is quick and painless.

Can skin tags grow?


Have an MD look after them they are very vascular and can bleed a lot - so it's best to have them removed by an MD.

Can skin tags be cut off? What is the cost?

I cut my own off with cuticle nippers. I only had one or two but I can tell you, you will bleed like a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a styptic pencil nearby. But it does work. Health insurance should cover the cost if you go to a dermetologist. If you do this yourself, wipe the cuticle nippers and the tags with alcohol first. Apply an antibiotic and bandage afterwards.

Can skin tags be cut off? What is the cost?
They most certainly can. Mine are small enough that I cut mine off myself with a super sharp pair of scissors.
Reply:It varies as to the doctor. Most insurance coverages don't pay for them. One way to get rid of them is to tie a thread tightly at the base so the blood supply is cut off and leave it there. In a few days it will 'die' and fall off. I've heard of people snipping them off themselves, but take care of infection.
Reply:I've heard of both snipping them off with nail clippers and tying them tightly until they fall off. I just had 2 frozen by the dermatologist. They charged my insurance $80 for the first one, $25 for the second one plus the office visit. My HMO (Amerihealth) paid for all of it. It didn't hurt when they froze it but it was very sore for the 2 wks that it took them to shrivel up and fall off. Next time I'd try the clippers.
Reply:Yes, ask your doctor about this.
Reply:It's best to go to the hospital to have it sugically removed. I was at my doctor's office to have one of mine removed as it was giving me so much grief, and that was a BIG MISTAKE on my part. I should have gone to a hospital, but I didn't. You can bet the next time I'm in a situation like that, I, for one, WILL.
Reply:They can be tied off with a string and then after a little time they will fall off. It is FREE and it is PAINLESS. My daughter had one when she was seven and i did this and it worked very well.
Reply:skin tags are easily removed at a doctors office. It is a simple and non painful procedure that will range about $300.00 just call your family physician to get rid of them for you.

Can skin tags be removed non-surgically?

those little buggars hurt when my necklaces scrape them, but i don't have the $ or insurance to get them removed by a doctor. -i am willing to try any removal creams or home remedies that are out there!

Can skin tags be removed non-surgically?
You CAN remove skin tags yourself. Some people will suggest that you don't due to health issues but I have seen it done and it's not as complicated as it may seem. It is YOUR choice! My father have done that and I've helped him remove 3. What he did was pull the skin tag toward and had me tie a piece of thread around the skin tag and tightly enough make a knot looping around the tag and I then tied it; then I cut the ends of the remaming thread with a scissor. Leave the knot around the skin tag and it will eventually become loose and will fall off eventually on its own. You can retie it every 2 days giving it a fresh tight knot. It did hurt him a little, more like a litle sting but it was worth it b/c he removed every single one he had. He really didn't feel like going to the hospital just for that. A doctor sometimes uses the same procedure, he/she might use a surgical suture (a string if you will) and tie a knot around the skin tag. Suture stays on until tag falls off. The suture/knot is very tight and cuts off the flow of blood to the skin. If you are going to do this yourself make sure your hands are clean, wash them first to prevent infection and have someone help you b/c that will make it much easier and also they need to tie the knot around the skin tag for you, I doubt it can be done alone.

Additional Info:

How can they be removed?

Skin tags can be removed for cosmetic reasons by the following methods:

*Cryotherapy (freezing)

*Surgical excision (often with scissors)

*Electrosurgery (diathermy)

*Ligation (a suture is tied around the neck of the skin tag)

In cases in which a skin tag is irritated or cosmetically unwanted, treatment may be done by freezing the tag with liquid nitrogen, tying off the tag with a thread or suture so as to cut off the blood supply, or cutting off (excising) the tag with a scalpel or scissors.
Reply:No, and having them removed surgically is very cheap.
Reply:Sorry - no removal creams or home remedies - the way I have had mine removed is by laser. If you try to remove the tag/s yourself, it could get infected and then you have even more problems with which to deal.

If you don't have the money, is it possible that your parents can help you out?

Just don't touch those tags or let anyone else who is not a doctor fool around with those tags.

Go to only a professional.

Good Luck!
Reply:*chop chop* - with a knife. okay i'm just kidding. i've heard vinegar works. try it at your own risk.
Reply:I am the queen of skin tags. I used to go to the doctor and get them snipped off. That's all he did was snip them off - I realized I could do it myself - so I do!

For ones on the back of my neack or other hard to reach places I get my sister to do it for me.

I'm been snipping them myself for years and years without a single problem.

snake plant

Are skin tags contagious?

As far as I am aware they're not. I've had 1 for years and I've never gotten another one. Some people just get them more than others.

Are skin tags contagious?
Reply:They seem to be.

Not all people have them but when they come into contact with someone who does get them - all of a sudden they will start to develop them - so they Do seem to be contagious.

But I have no idea what the method of transmission is, if they have to do with a virus, or what.

Aparently however thay are not cancerious - only annoying.

Can skin tags be tranferred from person to person?

Not likely, that would be gross!

Can skin tags be tranferred from person to person?
Reply:Of course, all you need is a scalpel and a staple gun.
Reply:never heard of this explain

They are like freckles and moles...actually they are a type of mole.
Reply:No, a skin tag is just skin...not a disease or infection.
Reply:No, its a physical injury, not a contagious disease. It is caused by skin rubbing against skin. Best wishes.
Reply:no, they usually come from hormonal levels. Pregnant women really have a tendency to get them.
Reply:No they are not contagious.
Reply:No. However, it can be passed down through genetics.'s because when your skin rubs up next to someone else's...your skin or their's will say..."Tag!" "You're it!"

Get it? That's why it's called "skin tag".


Do skin tags like to grow in groups?

they may if they are growing in areas of friction, e.g. axillae, neck etc, good luck

Do skin tags just grow out of the blue?

mine did. i don't even know how long i had it before i noticed it. one day it was just there.

Do skin tags just grow out of the blue?
Try looking on
Reply:No they occur as the result of constant rubbing or friction, they can be minimized with toothpaste.
Reply:Yeah, this may seem like a weird comparison but my dog gets these too and when I took him to the vet the doctor said it is normal and there is nothing to worry about and that humans actually get them too. I asked him why they were there and he said there is no reason technically they j.ust grow somtimes.
Reply:Unfortunately, yes. They are genetic. You can have them removed by your personal physician in a quick office visit.
Reply:Yes. I have them all over my neck, chest, and even my upper arms. Mostly it's where the skin is thin or more delicate. My doctor said nothing can be done. I did read an article that said liquid bandage - a certain brand - applied over the skin tags, will hasten their demise. They dry up and fall off in a week or so. I tried, with no effect - but found I hadn't used the recommended brand. My doc said to tie silk thread around the base of the tags to get them to dry up. But that seems like a major hassle!

You could see a dermatologist to see what they say.
Reply:MOst of the time they do. As long as they stay the same size and don't move or grow and don't change color they are just skin tags and a good dermatologist will tell you to leave them. They fall under cosmetic surgery and the dermatologist has to charge you for removing them, it doesn't fall under medical coverage, another great thing about our wonderful medical system. So, if you go to an honest dermatologist like my husband and I have been going to, he/she will tell you to say the hell with it.

But with age they grow more.

read- Skin Tags

Are skin tags dangerous?

No just a nuisance, although I did get one caught in the zipper of my coat once. Ouch!

Are skin tags dangerous?
not that I have heard..just sort of gross...if you can swing it, see the dermatologist and get them zapped off
Reply:A skin tag is a soft, skin-colored growth that hangs from the surface of the skin on a thin piece of tissue called a stalk. Its medical name is acrochordon. Skin tags are not skin cancer and cannot turn into skin cancer.
Reply:I have a number of them all over my neck and under my arms. My doctor told me that as long as you don't cut them off they should not be a problem, at least not cut them off yourself. They can cause skin cancer if you mess with them too much.
Reply:Not at all! My daughter was born with one on her ear, I had it removed when she was 6 months old.
Reply:Not unless they get irritated or infected which may happen if they get routinely chafed.

Mine went away when I started getting my blood sugars under control (hypoglycemic). has info on hypoglycemia.

I have dark skin, and skin tags in my under arms, but I am a fair skinned person, any ideas how to lighten it?

They have been like this as long as i remember (post puberty) I am always conscious of them if I wear a strappy top, because I think they look dirty!

I have dark skin, and skin tags in my under arms, but I am a fair skinned person, any ideas how to lighten it?
The reading I have done regarding blood sugar imbalances indicated that skin tags are just one place your body stores excess fluid and "fuel". This happens if you have overproduction of insulin resulting in low blood sugar. Check out for more info on how high insulin causes low blood sugar.

The discoloration may be due to some other thing. I think tinea versicolor can be caused by a candida overgrowth. Candida likes bodies that are blood sugar imbalanced. There is some info about candida (yeast) at, too.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.
Reply:Not sure about the dark skin but the skin tags can easily be removed with liquid nitrogen at your G.P's
Reply:try bleeching them dye them or if you are really depearate there are lazor treatments you can have done wax may also help

hope this is useful

Reply:tie a piece of string tightly round the tags they drop of in days.

I think every women's armpits are slightly darker.
Reply:thats normal all these celebritys photos of their arm pits,the imperfection are edited out or sometimes there not depends on what the media want to make out of them
Reply:See a dermatologists about the skin tags; I wouldn't suggest removing them on your own.

We are all our own worst critic; I'm sure the skin isn't as bad as you may think. I find using Nair instead of shaving helps with the darkness.

Reply:Research a syndrome called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Skin tags and darkening of the skin are two symptoms of it.

As to how to get rid of them, go see a dermatologist. Anything that they prescribe would be stronger than stuff over the counter and more controlled.
Reply:Go to a doctor and get them removed. Don't try cutting one off yourself.They bleed forever. I tried that once.The dark skin , try a skin lightner, you find it in the cosmetic section. night creams ,wrinkle creams, and stuff like that.


Are skin tags in the vaginal opening normal?

i recently found one and i am concerned, it is very small though. is this normal?

Are skin tags in the vaginal opening normal?
I hate to say this, but that sounds like HPV-Human Papiloma Virus or a Vaginal Wart. Get it checked out by your doctor asap.
Reply:Of course they are.
Reply:whats a skin tag..... sorry but i really have never heard that before
Reply:I really don't know if it's normal or not, but I have heard of it before. As far as it being a sign of illness or disease, I don't know, and it really may be in your best interests to get it checked out.
Reply:It could be part of the hymen that broke off or detached from the rest. That's really all the hymen is, a membrane on the vaginal opening. I would probably still get it checked by a doctor, though.

Skin tags, developing a tiny one right below my eye?

Want to get rid of it asap before it gets noticeable, any suggestions

Skin tags, developing a tiny one right below my eye?
I would suggest NOT to pull it off, especially on your face, if it tears surrounding skin you will be left with an unsightly scar. Go to your doctor, they just use a hot instrument to cut them off, it shouldnt hurt much and it shouldnt leave a scar
Reply:i had some under my arm i pulled them off, they bleed a bit but never came back
Reply:Your G.P. can freeze it off. Ordinarily I would say tie a piece of cotton around it tightly and it will fall off but you can't really do that on your face.

Schedule an appointment with one (you'll need a referal from your family doctor).

I have one under my eye, I hate it, but it's not very noticeable.
Reply:Some beauticians would remove it for you, but your GP might do it for you for nowt.
Reply:you can go to your docs and get these frozen off
Reply:Yiekks!!, not sure what best to do. Definitely seek medical advice and get rid of it safely. Good luck to you duck!.

Skin tags? Other than pain, is it ok to cut these ugly things off at home?

No, because in order to be safe, equipment needs to be sterilized. Also, there's a risk of bleeding that can't be ignored. See a dermatologist.

Skin tags? Other than pain, is it ok to cut these ugly things off at home?
What on earth is a skin tag???

I have no idea what you're talking about, but NEVER EVER cut any part of you! The only person who should EVER cut live skin is a SURGEON!!

DON'T do it at home, you risk bleeding, infection, pain, bruising, and did I mention INFECTION?

Seriously go to a doctor for whatever a skin tag is, don't cut them yourself, you're not a surgeon!

Edit: I may not know wtf a skin tag is, but my mother is a nurse and I know that when you cut live skin, you run the risk of an infection. Giddyup, you're a fool if you think you're not risking it.
Reply:My husband has no problem snipping them off with a nail clippers...He's been doing this ever since having one snipped off the same way by his Dr. and being charged for Surgery........It's just a tag and has never had one bleed...

I notice the people telling you it will get infected, don't even know what a skin tag is.....
Reply:i actually used to have two. don't cut them off, that's terrible! and prob. not safe.

when i removed them it was painful, but i pinched both of them off. with my fingernails. and i twisted alittle too. then it's not completely removed, but beginning to loosen. so i kept doing that every day and it does hurt quite a bit. but in the end it finally had a very thin attachment and i pinched the whole thing off.

it hurt, but I'm glad i did it. i hated them.
Reply:The very small ones you can probably clip yourself if you can handle the pain. Larger ones I would have your doctor remove. I had some large ones in my armpits and would occasionally snag them with my razor so I had my regular doctor do it in his office. I also had him remove a raised mole on my jawline on the same visit. Due to unpredictable bleeding or infection it is best done in a sterile environment by a professional.

Skin tags on genital area?

These appeared about 2 months ago and keep on coming--what is up? I have had the same partner for a year--

Skin tags on genital area?
An easy method of removing a skin tag is by using the "ligation" method. That would be to "choke" off the supply of blood to the head of the skin tag by tightly tying a piece of thread around the "stem". In a few days it will simply die and fall off.
Reply:Dirty wash cloth?
Reply:You may want to have them checked by your dr. This could be a viral infection or STD.
Reply:could be warts -could be normal for you. visit your doctor for STD testing and a full exam. always use a condom.
Reply:female ??? look up PCOS in

or PCOS in google...
Reply:Skin tags appear where the skin is constantly rubbed or friction is present. Try a new fabric of under garments or loose fitting. They are not infectious like certain warts, so your partner is not to blame. They can easily be removed by a doctor or over the counter wart freezing products. If you want a more natural remedy try basil oil it slowly and less painfully burns them off.
Reply:I am unclear what you mean by skin tags. Please explain.


Skin tags anybody no how to get rid of them instead of going to dr.?

What causes them and cure or solution please. I would appreciate your imput.

Skin tags anybody no how to get rid of them instead of going to dr.?
There are numerous ways to get rid of a skin tag:

cryosurgery (freezing)

tying off the stem to cut off the blood supply

excision with scissors or a scalpel

burning with an electrolysis needle

These have to be done at a doctors office though.

It is not known why the form exactly, but they occur usually where the skin creases a lot.
Reply:Causes : When Spleen, Gall baldder, liver %26amp; Pancreas are not properly functioning in the body. Cure : Drink the extract of the following the first thing in the morning : 21 leaves of bitter 'Neem' with stalk. 21 leaves of 'tulsi' with stalk. 21 leaves of 'bilipatra' (7 x 3) with stalk.
Reply:Air in the can for blowing dust off of things. I wonder, does Liquid comes out of the can when turned upside down. Is It incredibly cold, below freezing?

I wonder if something below zero would numb something like a skin tag so it could be cut off? I imagine you would have to shield the skin around the skin tag so as not to get a freeze burn on it. I bet you would have to apply a dressing to the area of the removed skin tag because it would bleed a great deal.
Reply:I had a couple under my arm so I twisted one at a time until I couldn't stand the pain any more %26amp; did that for a few days, they turned black %26amp; fell off, took about a week or so.
Reply:Tie them off with fishing line, real light fishing line, or suture #6. At the base, real tight, then cut off excess ends of line, leave in place for about a week, skin tag turns blue, brown , black and falls off.

Skin tags? Other than pain, is it ok to cut these ugly things off at home?

It all depends on how you intend to to cut them off... If you're to use scissors or nail clippers, you have to make sure that the tool you use is not infected.

The other thing is that you have to make sure that it's actually a skin tag. If it's a tumor or a wart, then that may be quite risky.

Skin tags? Other than pain, is it ok to cut these ugly things off at home?
Reply:I have. I froze it with an ice cube, sterilized the area with betadine and the cuticle scissors I used, then snipped it off. I put antibiotic ointment on afterward. No problems have occurred.
Reply:Positively. I have done it and had it done at home with no problems at all. Just be sure to have a very sharp instrument and all things sterilized. Good luck. If you just remove the skin tag, there will not be torrentail bleeding!!!!
Reply:I know people who have cut them off with a nail clipper. Personally I'd be afraid to. But if you do, disinfect them and the clippers before you do and then disinfect your skin and put on Neosporin and a bandaid afterwards. I've even heard of people putting duct tape over them and I guess it "kills" 'em.
Reply:There is a danger of infection if you are not very careful about sterilizing your equipment.

I have removed small ones "at home" but feel it best to let professionals deal with larger ones.
Reply:Yeah but be ready cause your going to bleed..
Reply:Do not be your own Surgeon. The Skin tags do have Nerve endings %26amp; may have Blood Vessels. So in such case there might be Torrential bleeding which may require Hospitalization. %26amp; when you can get them removed without pain, why bear pain ? Have you heard there is a saying, " Penny wise, Pound Foolish"
Reply:I've done it before, it stings. And if you don't get the whole thing it grows back...and the crazy things TAN. I didn't go in the sun and the tags were not dark. then I spent time in the sun and they turned BROWN, Gross!

I heard of a remedy, you get Grapefruit Seed extract, not grape... from the health food store. and you put a drop on the tag and cover it with clear tape. it is supposed to make it fall off. I think I would use packing tape, it has more sticking power. and the extract is oily.

Skin tags? any1?.....?

so what is the best way to get rid of them?

has anyone tied a string around "them" b4? what happened? did it just fall off? and how long do you have to keep it on?

Skin tags? any1?.....?
My mother had a skin tag on her face. Please do not try to remove it yourself. check with your physician/doctor %26amp; have him/her remove it. If you try pulling/cutting it off, you may cause more damage than you want.
Reply:A doctor is the best person to remove them, dont try to do it yourself or you could get it infected and you would end up with a nasty scar instead
Reply:Yes that works, I have had some under my arm and have used a new nail clipper and clipped them. It hurts like hell and bleeds but there gone. People probably would agree but it worked for me.

How are skin tags treated? In cases in which a skin tag is irritated or cosmetically unwanted, treatment may be done by freezing the tag with liquid nitrogen, tying off the tag with a thread or suture so as to cut off the blood supply, or cutting off (excising) the tag with a scalpel or scissors.

Is there another medical name for a skin tag? A skin tag is medically also termed a cutaneous papilloma or an acrochordon. However, a skin tag is best known as a skin tag.
Reply:Uhhh Never heard of that technique before. Some skin tags can be easily removed , others are too big and should only be done by a doctor. I have had many of them removed in my life. The larger ones may need to be cauterized to stop the bleeding. A dermatologist can remove them all at one time. Its important to have a doctor do this because some moles look like skin tags.
Reply:Nowadays, so many people of all ages have skin tags that it just doesn't matter if you have them anymore. I used to think mine were freakish until I asked around and 7 times out of 10, the people you ask either have them too or know someone who has them. And like the others have said ... it hurts like hell to rip them off yourself. OUCH!!!
Reply:Sanitized nail clippers. If they are small, this is the easiest way to do it. I just removed 3 yesterday.. two were very tiny, one was large. The large one kind of hurt, but as long as you are 100% sure everything is sanitized and you don't clip your skin besides the tag, it's safe. They will bleed if they are big, but don't get freaked out.

I tried the string thing but it never worked for me..

Skin tags!!!!!!HELP!!!!?


Skin tags!!!!!!HELP!!!!?
tie thread round `em tight so the die and fall off.........
Reply:get them clipped. If you're scared to do them yourself, then go to your doctor and they will do it
Reply:You can have them burnt off or froze off. My husband had one of those done and it only took a short doctor visit.
Reply:I once noticed these out of the blue on my neck, probably like 3 or 4. My dr. snipped them right off and the weird thing is she told me it was thought there might be a correlation between skin tags and high cholesterol(which I have never had a problem with.) anyway I haven't noticed anymore but they are something strange to me as they truly came out of nowhere!
Reply:I have used a tweezers to squeeze them really hard (don't pull) twice a day for three or four days. After that they will dry up and fall off in a week or so. (it hurts the first time or two but after that there is no feeling.) Can't say this is sound medical advice but it works for me . I've remove 10 or more like this with no problems.
Reply:apply oinment or take a long shower (and a clean one)
Reply:i had some around my neck and they just fell off naturally. i saw a women in India with her whole entire body covered in them,, every inch of her body, big and small,, really sad,, but I'm sure yours arnt so bad,,,

baby jade

Skin tags on neck/ face/armpit...etc of 40+ woman is dangerous? cancer?

Not necessariliy. Your doctor will have to determine if they want to do a biopsy, however. Most of the time, skin tags -- especially around the neck and face and armpits -- are common and nothing more than minor nuisances that can be snipped off with any pair of scissors (I don't advise doing it yourself, though!)

If your doctor has no cause for alarm, then you don't.

Skin tags on neck/ face/armpit...etc of 40+ woman is dangerous? cancer?
I was told by my Dr. that "skin tags" are normal...but if they do start changing in color, size, or look abnormal in anyway, Get them checked out!

Reply:No they are not dangerous, just annoying. They can be inherited, sort of like herpes simplex. Passed on in the family once it is in your system, some with more notable symptoms.

They are similar to the wart family. In Homeopathy remedies, Thuja is recommended, but when I started using Emu Oil on the front of my throat on surgery scar tissue, I found that the Emu Oil reduced the tags on my neck much better and faster results. As for herpes, cold sores, take Lysine. Cheap and easy. One a day.
Reply:Could be pre-diabetic... If you also have dark skin on the back of you neck, armpits, and/or intter thighs.

Skin Tags..can they be removed ?

Yes they can be removed. My boss and husband have both had them taken off. Don't try to do it yourself. Sometimes the vascularity in the tag is extensive and could cause alot of bleeding.

Skin Tags..can they be removed ? doesnt hurt
Reply:they can be moved with simple cuts with a pair of scissor. but i wouldnt suggest doing it at home.
Reply:Yes - I cut one off myself. I wouldn't recommend it at all, it was messy and painful.
Reply:Yes indeed they can.
Reply:Been there, done that. Yes. Easy no problem. Right in your doctor's office.

SKIN TAGS remove?

is there anyway to take them off ur self? i have a couple around my neck and they hurt when i wear a dress shirt

SKIN TAGS remove?
Three ways I have heard of.

1. Yourself - compound w - I did this, it hurt but worked.

2. Dr. Pull and cut.

3. Freeze with liquid nitrogen. There are OTC stuff for this, but best to have DR.
Reply:no, it will hurt too much, you have to have a doctor do is fast and easy for them to do it.
Reply:Dip nail clippers in rubbing alcohol then cut off.

It may bleed.

Put anti-bacterial cream on after
Reply:i had one underneath my armpit and it was really horrible when i had to shave.... what i did with it was i put ice on it for a few minutes, then i dried it and i clipped it off with a toenail clippers.... but i never had pain from them... so maybe you just want to go and see a doctor...
Reply:pinch with clean trimmed fingernails and yank...clean with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, band-aid for at least half a day so it stops bleeding and seals, then let it air and heal...and that's the careful way..., i just pinch and yank...but mine aren't terribly big...don't do it if yours are...
Reply:It is not sterile or safe to do it yourself. Don't think that dipping something in alcohol makes it sterile. They also bleed a lot. And they are more than skin deep often. You really need to have an annual appointment with your dermatologist to freeze them off.
Reply:I use sharp manicure scissors and snip em off myself all the time. It's all a doctor did the first time I asked to have them removed, so I decided to just do it myself thereafter. Why pay a doctor to do what I can do easily myself. Just be careful to wash well before, then apply antibiotic ointment like neosporin after and maybe a bandage for a few hours until the bleeding stops. Mine never seem to bleed all that much, but that is unique to me and might not be the case for you. Keep gauze handy and snip away.
Reply:My brother tied dental floss around his. It dried up and just fell off.
Reply:You can remove them yourself. It will hurt though. You can numb with ice first and then either use nail clippers like others have said or tie floss or fishing line around the skin tag and then pull hard and fast.

I had mine removed by a dermatoligist and it cost $500.00 to have 8 of them removed. Most of that cost was to pay for the removed skin to be sent to pathology (to be checked for cancer), which I was told was routine.
Reply:ok this works on moles also tie some dental floss around the bottom of it as close to the skin as possible it takes about a day but they fall off.
Reply:I had one on my neck removed by a doctor quick and simple.

FYI: insurances will not pay for it; it is consider a cosmetic procedure. But it's very inexpensive.

Skin tags and moles?

Why do i get them, the older i get the more i seem to get. What gives. I have alot of them removed by my dr. and i need to do it again, it is worse than before

Skin tags and moles?
Skin tags can spread...that is why you have to do it again. Atleast you are getting them removed...some people don't and it is not attractive at all.
Reply:They make these ultrasonic device now that you can stick in your grass that remove moles nicely. Those moles can really wreak havok in your lawn, holes everywhere.
Reply:OMG i have like so many moles it isnt even funny 25 on 1 arm! (about) but with moles u age slower!!
Reply:just apply lemon juice and honey

china green

Skin tags question?

what causes them? I have been getting them everywhere (I mean that) and they're gross! What can I do do to prevent them?

Skin tags question?
I had one and shaved it off by accident (it was on my underarm). Yes, it stung, but only because some idiot (who shall remain nameless) forgot about the incident and put on deodorant immediately afterward.
Reply:I get them in a few spots. My doctor says that nobody knows why they show up, and why they grow where they do. But they are easy to remove - a quick snip, and they're gone. He said I could do it at home with a pair of scissors if I wanted to - just clean the scissors and the site beforehand.
Reply:It is a symptom of Polycystic ovary syndrome. Look it up.
Reply:A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Their origin is unknown so there is no way to prevent them. In cases in which a skin tag is irritated or cosmetically unwanted, treatment may be done by freezing the tag with liquid nitrogen, tying off the tag with a thread or suture so as to cut off the blood supply, or cutting off (excising) the tag with a scalpel or scissors. Your doctor may remove it himself especially if it is a small one, otherwise he will refer you to a dermatologist. I do not recommend that you try and remove them yourself, as they can bleed heavily.
Reply:I don't know if any thing can prevent them. I've had a few taken off. My doctor says you can remove them yourself with sharp sterile scissors %26amp; lots of alcohol. Never had the nerve myself. You didn't say what age you are, but I think its all hormones.