Saturday, April 24, 2010

How are skin tags removed?

I heard you cut them.. my doctor wanted to in the office but I was nervous and said no, now I want to.. can I just cut them with scissors? Is there anything I can use to numb the area? Thanks.

How are skin tags removed?
There are a number of ways to remove skin tags. Small ones that don't carry a large blood supply can be snipped off with scissors or nail clippers. They can be tied with fine thread, left to die from lack of blood flow, and fall off, or they can be frozen. I've removed some small ones with Compound W Freeze Off (available over the counter). If you're going to snip them, you can try numbing them with ice beforehand. Ice will also decrease the blood flow. Be sure to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding when you're done. There are also some creams sold that claim to remove them, though I've never seen anyone who actually used them with success.
Reply:Let the Doctor do them it will be quick and painless.
Reply:The fast way is to have the doctor freeze them off or cut them or tie them off. The slow way is to learn why you have them in the first place, and change your lifestyle to remove them. Mine were likely the result of my hypoglycemia needing places to put fat and tissue and water.

If you want to know more about hypoglycemia and what causes that condition, there is basic info at
Reply:They can be scraped off with a scarp blade.

Let your doctor do it - it is quick and painless.

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