Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can skin tags be cut off? What is the cost?

I cut my own off with cuticle nippers. I only had one or two but I can tell you, you will bleed like a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a styptic pencil nearby. But it does work. Health insurance should cover the cost if you go to a dermetologist. If you do this yourself, wipe the cuticle nippers and the tags with alcohol first. Apply an antibiotic and bandage afterwards.

Can skin tags be cut off? What is the cost?
They most certainly can. Mine are small enough that I cut mine off myself with a super sharp pair of scissors.
Reply:It varies as to the doctor. Most insurance coverages don't pay for them. One way to get rid of them is to tie a thread tightly at the base so the blood supply is cut off and leave it there. In a few days it will 'die' and fall off. I've heard of people snipping them off themselves, but take care of infection.
Reply:I've heard of both snipping them off with nail clippers and tying them tightly until they fall off. I just had 2 frozen by the dermatologist. They charged my insurance $80 for the first one, $25 for the second one plus the office visit. My HMO (Amerihealth) paid for all of it. It didn't hurt when they froze it but it was very sore for the 2 wks that it took them to shrivel up and fall off. Next time I'd try the clippers.
Reply:Yes, ask your doctor about this.
Reply:It's best to go to the hospital to have it sugically removed. I was at my doctor's office to have one of mine removed as it was giving me so much grief, and that was a BIG MISTAKE on my part. I should have gone to a hospital, but I didn't. You can bet the next time I'm in a situation like that, I, for one, WILL.
Reply:They can be tied off with a string and then after a little time they will fall off. It is FREE and it is PAINLESS. My daughter had one when she was seven and i did this and it worked very well.
Reply:skin tags are easily removed at a doctors office. It is a simple and non painful procedure that will range about $300.00 just call your family physician to get rid of them for you.

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