Saturday, April 24, 2010

What causes skin tags? Are they dangerous ?

I got one under my left armpit strange area and it tender

What causes skin tags? Are they dangerous ?
A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.

Skin tags are frequently found on the eyelids, neck, chest, armpits, and groin.

Treatments include freezing, tying off with a thread or suture, or cutting off.
Reply:No they are not dangerous just annoying.They can be removed by your doctor real easy.As you get older your body continues too change.If you have one now you might get more later if it runs in your family!They can get tender if they are in an area where the are irritated by rubbing clothes etc.

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