Thursday, May 7, 2009

Genital skin tags and pregnancy?

I know skin tags are common in pregnancy. I have got a few on my neck, but recently I've noticed a few "down there." Is that common to?

Genital skin tags and pregnancy?
Check with your doctor to make sure you do not have a certain strain of HPV. This could have been lying dormant and because pregnancy weakens the immune system they then make an appearance.
Reply:no this is not common,but i have heard that some women do have them so i don't think u should worry
Reply:I developed one with my last pregnancy and have recently done the same in this pregnancy. They eventually disappeared just as my ob told me they would. Don't worry too much about it but make sure to make your doctor aware of it.

How much is it to remove skin tags?

i don't have insurance or anything to go see a doctor. i used to go to a clinic but now i don't even have medicare for it to support me. my family isn't rich or anything so i don't want because of one small thing i have to waste a lot of money. i was wondering if anybody knows how much is costs to get a skin tag removed? skin tags are those little flaps of skin hanging out of your skin (if you get them)

How much is it to remove skin tags?
What you are hearing is true,My husband has good insurance

and the skin doctor said some people just shave them off.

All they do in the office is cut or freeze them and the freezing

makes them fall off in a week .same as tying a string around them tightly and dabbing with alcohol every day.

Call and ask a skin doctor what they charge for it if you are

concerned they will give you a ball park figure and that won' cost anything .

Good luck .
Reply:Tie string tight around them for a while. They'll drop off.

EDIT: Yes it will work. I played with mine instead, so ended up rupturing the blood supply, which made it fall off. I used to have one under my eye and there's no trace of it left since then.
Reply:Put some ice on the area till numb, and use a pair of clean nail clippers. Might pinch and bleed a bit. clean with peroxide, put antibacterial cream and cover with a bandaid for a day or two.
Reply:I tie a thread around them tight and they drop off by themselves in a week.. Not joking.
Reply:I had one removed once and it was just part of the cost of a regular office visit, which for my doctor at the time was $65. So if you can work it in get a physical as well. Then you won't consider it a waste of money.
Reply:I'd just tie some dental floss on it REALLY tightly, you shouldn't feel any pain after 30 seconds, then just make sure it stays tight, you may have to add more dental floss if it loosens up. It should turn a black color and fall off in a couple of days. (Sorry for the run-on sentence:))
Reply:I also have a skin tag which I have shaved off about 30 times (it's a tiny one on my armpit) and it finally stopped growing back, now it's just a little bump. I guess you could do that, shave it off... but it hurts... and it'll grow back the first few times. I think it was worth it though in my own case.

How can I remove skin tags and moles?

I have several skin tags and elevated moles that I would like to get rid of. I know a doctor can do it for me, but is there an easier method I could do at home? I did an internet search and it seems like there's lots of products that claim to be effective, but it's hard to know what works and what doesn't. Has anyone ever successfully removed moles and/or skin tags? How did you do it? What were your results? Thanks!

How can I remove skin tags and moles?
For the skin tags what to do is tie something round them really tight untill they fall off! e.g. a bit of string.

The most important thing is to never cut them off!!!!!
Reply:tie a hair around it really tight and leave it for a few days
Reply:with most at home methods the mole will return always best to go to a dermatologist, its not too expensive.
Reply:Dermatology can do wonders!!

If you have the time and the money anything is possible.

Just look at Michael Jackson he was born Black ... he's white as a Ghost now and as scary?
Reply:Try apple cider vinegar. Apply it to a piece of cotton and apply with a round band aid. If you scratch the mole with a needle it will remove faster. Do this for two or three days reapplying acv a few times a day. The mole will dry out, scab up and fall off. I have done this with many moles over six months ago and they have not come back. It does however take a long time for the area to completely heal and will remain pink for quite a while after.


About skin tags...?

Im 15 and just about last year i got 2 skin tags under my ams. I have just started shaved under my arms and i acidentally cut one of them. It hurts really bad. Im terrified to go to the doctor to have it removed but what else can i do to get rid of them? FYI:Some one has told me that they are caused from being overwieght but i am NO where near overwieght.

About skin tags...?
Well, it might not hurt anymore if you get the tags removed, because after they remove the tag they kill the nerve endings that are attached to them.
Reply:my husband just had 2 removed from under his arm and they were a little sore. the doctor told him that if they were ever cut, to put deodorant over them to stop the bleeding and they would heal themselves. they're not dangerous or anything. no other way to get rid of them, than by a doctor cutting them off, but they are not from being overweight!
Reply:skin tags are caused by friction (like where your bra rubs against your side every day, for example). I had a couple removed by my doctor a few years ago, and it was really no big deal...
Reply:They're not necessarily caused by being overweight - anyone of any age or size can get them and they're a common thing.

The cut you have can be treated as you would with any other cut, a skin tag is no different to the skin on the rest of your body. You could use an antiseptic cream to sooth the cut. Depending where the skin tags are under your arm, the pain may be being caused by putting strain on the damaged tissue (when you stretch for example).

You should have them removed and there really is nothing to be afraid of. Most doctors will be able to remove skin tags for you without the need to consult a specialist. The removal procedure is quick, simple and straightforward and involves a small injection to numb the area in question then cauterizing the skin tags. It will only take a minute or two and after the injection wears off you won't feel any pain or tenderness. In fact, the only unpleasant sensation you're likely to experience is the smell from the cauterizing.

Make an appointment to see your doctor and get them removed - you'll be glad that you did. Best wishes.

? about skin tags?

i've jst recently have been getting more skin tags. I KNOW how to get rid of them, but is there anything homopathic or otherwise to help in keeping so many from appearing?


? about skin tags?
I had several burned off my neck about 6 years ago by my physician. The past year, small ones started coming back. I know this is going to sound horrible, but I just take my fingernail and rake it off. It doesn't hurt, but it bleeds really bad for a few minutes so I apply pressure to it until it stops.

You can remove them yourself but the bigger they are the more it stings. Just do one at a time so you won't look like a vampire got a hold of you.

Sorry, I just re-read your question and realized I didn't give you your answer. I would like to know myself how, if possible, to keep them from forming as well.

How do I get rid of skin tags on my neck?

I have skin tags around my neck. It is very embarrassing. I have to keep them covered with shirts that are high enough to cover them. I would like to cut my hair short but I can't because of my skin tags. I have long hair which also covers my skin tags. Can someone help me with this? How do I get rid of them?

How do I get rid of skin tags on my neck?
Tie a piece of thread around them very tightly and leave it - they'll fall off on their own after a week or two. You should really get them removed by a doctor, but the thread method works just fine too.
Reply:See your physician. They can be removed very easily.
Reply:the best solution is an operation
Reply:See a doctor.

Bookmarked for future reference.
Reply:What are skin tags?
Reply:Once, I used a nail clipper to remove one from my eyelid. It didn't hurt. Another time I used wart remover for a week while covered with a band-aid. It worked. I also used the nail clipper on one on my neck, and it really hurt, but it removed it. A doctor with a local anesthetic can remove them in his office with a scalpel.
Reply:Home surgery, man.

Sterilize a pair of scissors. Cut the skin tag off at the base. Apply pressure with a clean cotton ball until the bleeding stops. Apply neosporin and a band-aid. Do this once a week or so, one or two at a time so you're not covered in bandages and sores all the time. Your doctor can do this for you, but it is cosmetic rather than medically necessary, so your insurance will likely not pay for it.
Reply:See a dermatologist, he/she will paint a solution on it that will make them drop off but it burns, they also have this device that will scrape it off. The lady that advised you to tie thread on it reminds me of my nursing days in pediatrics, when babies are born with six fingers they tie off the extra digit with thread and kill the blood supply and it eventually falls off....its gross, but it worked.
Reply:My doctor at my HMO removed a few with a flat scissors and put some Bactine on the area. He was a very nice doctor and didn't have to do it. I have more now and feel just as embarassed as you do. You may have to pay a doctor to remove them because they are considered cosmetic.

I may try some of the suggestions given by the others, except for the nail clipper. Good idea, but ouch.

Biopsy for skin tags during pregnancy?

Is it normal to have vaginal skin tags that grow and multiply during pregnancy? I read that they are harmless and normal, but sometimes may signal vaginal cancer? The doc has confirmed that I have no STDs, and that it is most likely skin irritations, but since then, it has worsened. Do I need a biopsy?

Biopsy for skin tags during pregnancy?
Skin tags are VERY normal in pregnancy and usually disappear soon after delivery. Good blood circulation makes everything grow a little more. If you have a mole, it will grow and birthmarks can change shape. Hormones are crazy things! No wonder than can make us a little looney at times! LOL
Reply:I am surprised that your ob hasn't informed you that pregnancy can bring about skin tags. I know that I discovered more on my chest and arms, but not down below. I am betting it is normal for you during pregnancy. I would double check with your ob just to be sure. Good luck!
Reply:You sure there not genital warts? because you can get them just by seating on a toilet or using a towel with someone who is infected maybe you see a gyno to be sure.

baby jade

I have Skin Tags and was wondering...?

I have skin tags on my neck... there like little bumps that move very lossly around the skin... How can I remove them... Mostly older people have them but I was cursed with my mothers geans...

I have Skin Tags and was wondering...?
You should not try to remove them yourself, you could end up with an infection. Instead, any Family Doctor can remove them for you, you don't necessarily need to see a Dermatologist.
Reply:A dermatologist can remove them.
Reply:You can go to your doctor and get them surgically removed if they are really painful. However our family were going on holiday last year and my husband had fourteen skin tags, I tied each one with ordinary thread and each day I tightened them until he told me when to stop, they did get slightly painful, as they swell up a small amount, this is because the aren't getting the blood supply they need. After a few days the small tags shrivelled up and fell of. I hope this answers your question, my mother also used this method and it worked for her to. Good Luck
Reply:I have them to they can be removed by the doctor. don't do it yourself it cause alot of bleeding.
Reply:no not only old people get them. your doctor can take them off in his office and all you will need is a couple of bandaids painless proceedure

How to remove skin tags?

So...I have a skin tag on my nipple. I have read about cutting it off, tying it off so that it shrivels and dies, and other various pastes and such that are supposed to make skin tags disappear or die. But these have only been applied to backs, necks, or under breasts. Since it is on my nipple, I am trying to avoid pain (understandably). If you have any advice, please let me know.

How to remove skin tags?
You probably don't want to hear this - but you need to have it removed by a doctor. She will inject a numbing medication directly under the skin tag, then cut it off. She may then cauterize the skin that she just cut to prevent it from bleeding, and she can give you a salve to help reduce scar formation. However, skin tags should be sent to a pathology department to make sure that they aren't cancerous - so taking care of it yourself isn't really an option.
Reply:How to remove skin tags is depending where the skin tags are located. The skin tags removal and cure is answered by clinical procedure by first seeing your dermatologist or family physician. He or she can remove your skin tag by burning, freezing, or surgically removing them. If the skin tags are small enough they can be snipped off with the aid of topical anesthetic to cure skin tags. Usually when removed by the snipping method according to those who has undergone this process, their skin tags do not bleed.

How to remove skin tags? There are many ways to remove skin tags. It can be at the clinic or others try even at home. Those people who get skin tags every now and then commonly practice treatment at home. The insurance companies will not cover the cost of cure skin tags removal in some cases, if they think it is for cosmetic reasons, or not medically necessary. That is why going to the clinics for that reason is not practical when you can just do it at home. Some health care providers can recommend an alternative treatment that is an all-natural essential oil, herbal treatments like what has been used in treating a wart. These medicines are certified, and organic, as well as chemical, and pesticide free. Some of these medicines are claiming that the medicine can remove the cure skin tags and control any future outbreaks as well.

How to remove skin tags? It is safe to allow the Doctors to remove skin tags especially when it is an appearance in the face particularly in the eyelids. The Doctors will take it out through a sharp scissors, a sharp blade or, less commonly, by freezing or burning them off at the stalk. There can always be bleeding, which can be stopped with a chemical or aluminum chloride, or electric cauterizing treatment, which is the same process as taking out the warts.

How to remove the skin tags? There are many ways and continuing study how to stop remove it is a medical business. Remember that the skin tags that are located on the face or another visible area of the body, and growths that become irritated from contact with clothing can be removed easily. Whatever treatment is used, remember that even if all skin tags are removed, new ones may appear. There is no known way to prevent the formation of skin tags.

How to remove skin tags? At first, the Doctors even you yourself will easily identify the skin tags from any other skin blemish like mole, pimple, wart or acne. The skin tag at first may appear as a tiny soft bump on the skin. Over time, it grows into a flesh-colored piece of skin attached to the skin surface by a stalk. It's easy to move or wiggle a skin tag back and forth. A skin tag is painless, although it can become irritated if it is rubbed a lot. If a skin tag is twisted on its stalk, a blood clot can develop within it and the skin tag may become painful.
Reply:I just pinch em off with my finger nails. Have a bandaid ready cause they bleed a lot and it stings a bit but it's better than having that thing hanging on me. I've taken them off near my nipple but not on one before.
Reply:I had a small one come up above my eye. I ended up getting the tweesers out after it. Yes, it is kind of a sensitive place too, but it didn't really hurt too bad. It came back once, did the same thing, and it's been about 2 years since i've seen it. I hate those things!

Skin tags how to treat them.?

I have skin tags and at times they drive me crazy. What to do to remove them or treat them other then going to doctor?

Skin tags how to treat them.?
I used to have quite a few on my upper body too. I tried tying string around one, but it never helped. In the end I ended up snipping them off with nail clippers. you'd think it's hurt but it doesn't. There's a small drop of blood produced, but they heal really fast. so far, none have come back either!
Reply:If it's big enough, you can tie a piece of string around it [as tight as you can] and leave it there until it falls.

It should take a day or two.

Or you can get a pair of scissors and wash them with alcohol and cut doesn't just stings for a second.

I know you said other than the doctor..but if you happen to go, they'll probably put this little thing on it [it looks like a pen] and it feels like they're putting a match on it...and it'll burn the skin tag and fall of soon.
Reply:Paint them with New Skin. It is a liquid that is used for cuts, but it will get rid of the skin tags too.

Skin tags while pregnant??

i dont know if it is skin tags or warts on my labia but i have been with the same person for two years so i would have gotten before then i would think that if it is warts it would have showed up on my first exam and pap smear im 34 weeeks pregnant and just noticed them last week

Skin tags while pregnant??
Is it on the outside or the inside? Skin tags are very common in pregnancy and occur in high friction areas... especially under the arms, etc. They normally go away after pregnancy. However, just in case, show your doctor next time you go to be sure that is what they are.
Reply:You need to see your Doc to confirm it's not HPV- not to scare you, but what if your partner had an affair and brought these home to you now? probably something else, but i would get a Doc to check it out before 'assuming' anything. NEVER heard of 'skin tags' on the labia- those show up in your arm pits and the like, not on your genitals.
Reply:You can get HPV even without someone sleeping around, but it is easy to spread, it could also be some other staph infection.
Reply:Talk to your doctor about this!Warts can be passed to the baby!
Reply:with hpv, theres no way to tell how long youve had it. it can lay dormant for years so you could have picked it up years ago before you even met your partner. that happened to me. but i also get skin tags NEAR my labia but on my leg. you can tell a difference btw warts and skin tags. skin tags are softer than warts. you really need to get it checked out though because since i have hpv i know what a pain in the butt it is. i always had a normal pap til this last february. ive obviously had hpv for a few years but it didnt show up til then. my doctor actually told me sometimes pregnancy causes the hpv to "emerge". BUT it could be just skin tags. good luck.

china green

Skin tags under eyes?

I have two small skin tags under my right eye that have appeared in the last 3 or 4 months. I've done some research on them and I know they aren't harmful or anything like that. According to what I read, they normally appear in mid-life or after. I'm only 18, so I'm a little confused. Does anyone know why I have gotten these? Are there any creams or anything like that that I can use to prevent more?


Skin tags under eyes?
I've been told that they can be caused by irritation due to eye allergies. I've had a few bumps (no tags, though) and they went away by themselves within a few months.
Reply:The dermatologist can remove them...
Reply:this may sound wierd but i had them in my arm pits(im only 13) and my doctor just cut them off and they didnt hurt idk about ur eyes i doubt theres any cremes...
Reply:I get them all over my body, have not found no creams to get rid of them I go to dermotoligist to have them burnt off....
Reply:i have one under my eye too,and i have had them since i was like 14. i also have a couple on my neck. i havent found anything to get rid of them except my doctor freezing them off
Reply:Some people are just genetically more likely to have them. You can ask for them to be removed by a professional, or cheaper just cut them off yourself which is what many people choose to do.
Reply:go to the dermatologist and get them removed or they might freeze them off and then they should fall off in a while
Reply:if they are indeed just skin tags, tell your doc. you want them removed, it takes like 10 minutes, he will numb the area, cut it off w/ a blade, then throw a band aid on it... and you will be good to go.

He may send it to a lab just to make sure it is just a skin tag... hope this helps.
Reply:Don't know why you got them but the doctor can take them off really easily.
Reply:They aren't harmful, they just are annoying, my partner has them also, not just in one place either. Our doctor put dental floss around the base and tied it really tight, then because there was no blood supply to it, it fell off, but that was under his arm, I don't think you'd look too good with dental floss hanging on your face lol, but there has to be some way of riding yourself of them, try asking your doctor or pharmacist, they might be able to help you, Goodluck!!!

Skin Tags..on a human being..what do u know..?

Hi I have numerous skin tags on my neck they don't bother me but asthetically speaking I'd rather get rid of them..naturally anyone out there know how? serious responses only please.What causes them?Not too much info online about them.

Skin Tags..on a human being..what do u know..?
A skin tag is a small skin growth or tumor that develops on normal skin. They are attached to the skin by thin tissues called stalks or peduncles. Skin tags would commonly be found on the neck, armpits, eyelids, under the breasts, groin or genital areas and under skin folds where frequent abrasion takes place.

Skin tags, medically known as acrochordons are generally harmless and non malignant like other skin abnormalities that could possibility become cancerous. They would appear without noticeable symptoms as well.

Some people are more prone to suffer from skin tags. Researchers have found out that skin tag occurrence could be attributed to several factors. Fat or obesity seems to be a major factor as skin tags are commonly found in obese folks. This could be due largely to the excessive skin folds they have. Skin tags have also been observed in pregnant women probably for the same reason. Age does have a role to play. Older people tend to have more skin tags when they progress in age. It is reported that skin tags occurrence could be passed down from one generation to another, ie hereditary. Even gender would affect the tendency of developing skin tags. Women tend to have a higher propensity to develop skin tags.

Since they are benign and does not have an adverse impact on the health of the individual, people may wish to ignore them. However, in some cases, the sufferer could have multiple skin tags in huge numbers. They can be aesthetically undesirable and affect the overall appearance of the person.

There is yet another group of individuals who would prefer to have the skin tags removed for another reason. Remember that these skin tags often occur underneath the skin folds and on the neck, and other body parts that come into close contact with the clothing we wear? A lot of abrasion or skin friction takes place and can be rather irritating and uncomfortable.

There are several widely accepted methods of removing those skin tags, such as freezing the tag and stalk by cryotherapy, burning off the skin tags by a process called cauterization, or stopping the blood supply to each skin tag by binding the peduncle and letting them die off in weeks. The skin tags can also be surgically cut off with scissors or a scalpel at the dermatologist’s.
Reply:well i have one right in the bend of my arm and it aggravates me so badly...i went to the doctor a while back and asked her about it she said it was a skin tag i personally thought it was a mole....i asked her would it ever create cancer...she said no she said she could take it off but it wouldnt be necessary so if their bothering you its safe to get them off...just go to a good mole removal place in your area...and good luck!
Reply:Genetics. I've got them too. Similar to warts (but not). You get rid of them the same way. Go to the doctor and have them burned off. It doesn't hurt.

Skin tags what is the cause and why do we get them?

I seem to be getting skin tags appearing on my neck and chest and i have no idea why. They just seem to appear from no where and i know they can be removed but how do they appear? they arent that sightly and fed up that they keep popping up all the time.

Skin tags what is the cause and why do we get them?
Although it is not yet established exactly what causes skin tags, the following factors seem to play a role:

-- High levels of growth - particularly during pregnancy (where the hormones are affected) or in cases of acrogmegaly (known as gigantism).

-- Insulan resistance caused by diabetes.

-- The wart virus (human papilloma virus). Although this virus does not cause skin tags, it can be a contributing factor.

-- Body builders and other athletes who use illegal steroids can actually cause the skin tags through the pills or drugs they are ingesting. Taking steroids interferes with the body and muscles, which in turn can affect the skin causing the collagen fibers to bond in such a way that skin tags are formed.

The skin tag is a tumor in the sense that it is a growth. However, you can take comfort in the fact that it is a benign non-cancerous raised skin tumor. Benign means that it is harmless and not malignant. But if you are not confident that what you see are skin tags, then it is wise to have them checked out by your doctor for your own peace of mind.
Reply:Skin tags usually come up where things have been rubbing them eg men get them round their necks because thier shirts collars rub them or a necklace, woman can get them where their bra straps are or if u wear a lot of loose clothing and it just rubs slighlty. They are not much to worry about but i no what you mean about them being annoying.

Im pretty sure this is the reason for them. Hope this helps
Reply:all replies given seem on point, and perhaps partly due to some extent "old age" ....

Cutaneous tags are very common benign skin growths that occur most often after midlife. The tags stick out of the skin, and may have a small narrow stalk connecting the skin bump to the surface of the skin. Cutaneous tags are usually painless and do not grow or change. However, they may be irritated from rubbing by clothing or other materials. Cutaneous skin tags are more common in people who are overweight or who have diabetes.

Skin tags removal?

I have removed skin tags before by pinching them off but I can't get this one off under my eye .I am lookink for a home remedy. Not a doctor visit been there to many times with a chronic illness. Thanks

Skin tags removal?
sometimes i have to use a sterilized pair of fingernail clippers. if it is a bit larger than the others, then you have to watch out for bleeding. if you can't see it good, then maybe you could have someone do it for you.


Why do skin tags appear and are they harmful in any way?

You know what I'm talking about when I say "skin tags"? They are just little pieces of skin that grow on your skin that stick out a little bit. They are not any different color, just a little bump almost.

Why do skin tags appear and are they harmful in any way?
They're not harmful. Some people just get them as they grow older.

A doctor can easily remove them. If you're not squeamish you can remove them yourself with clean nail clippers or nail scissors.
Reply:As far as i know, skins tags form when the skin's switch off growing mechanism does not stop. The skin in the particular area just keeps on growing and the tag forms.

They won't actually cause harm, but will hurt if they care caught. You Doctor can remove them either by freezing them off, or by cauterizing the base and then cutting them off. You can also tie a piece of cotton around the base of it until it drops off. This can hurt, so be careful.
Reply:Skin tags seem to be hereditary, and are harmless. However you ought to have a dermatologist look at them. If the skin tags are on your neck where a necklace or shirt collar rubs them perhaps your doctor would freeze them off for you. You could freeze them with an ice cube to lessen pain, and snip off with a little scissors.
Reply:They are not harmful at all, just very annoying.

Question about Skin Tags?

My best friend told me that she have skin tags but they are on her vagina lip, Can people get skin tags on there pravite parts.

Question about Skin Tags?
You can get skin tags anywhere on the body you have skin, but they are most common under the arms and in the crotch. They are harmless enough, and only a problem if they get irritated by clothing. They can be removed easily by the doctor if needed.
Reply:I would think you could get them anywhere.
Reply:yep, my son was born with one on his rectum, its no big deal to get it removed though
Reply:I really hate to sound overly blonde right now, cause I love your questions. What is a 'skin tag'?
Reply:yes you can get them anywhere

How do i remove skin tags which is spreading all over my face,neck, armpits. Please advice?


i am 25 year old guy i suffer from skin tags which is spreading all over my face, neck and armpits. i feel very awkward when i go out with my friends. i have to wear sunglasses to cover the skin tags which are around my eyes and day by day these are growing bigger and bigger.

my friends advised me to have a lazer treatment but it's very expensive which i cant afford.

My mother also has skin tags on her face and neck,and i suppose this might be a hereditory problem.

please suggest some remedy which would cost reasonable and has a permanent cure.

How do i remove skin tags which is spreading all over my face,neck, armpits. Please advice?
Hi I am a 21 Year old female, I had skin tags too and the doctor told me that if I didn't want to pay to have them removed by a dermatologist that all I had to do was sterilise a pair of scissors and cut them off myself. So that is what I did and I haven't had any more come back yet. I know it sounds weird but try it it'll most definitely work I promise!
Reply:I AM NOT SUGGESTING ANYTHING but I used wart medicine to freeze mine off. Me I did it.
Reply:was just at the dermatologist...and while they can use a is expensive..what a crock that is..they must be making out like bandits...I think they can also use liquid nitrogen...less expensive..check it out...
Reply:You can go to a doctor to have them removed, laser is not the only treatment. My mom gets some on her neck and she takes a piece of thread and simply ties it around the tag. Your cutting off the circulation to the tag so tying it works. Tie it off, it eventually will fall off.
Reply:I agree with conrey. I used wart remover to freeze them off. However, I am not suggesting this either. If it doesn't work I don't want to get sued for giving medical advice.
Reply:treat them as you would warts. so freeze, burn, laser or you can try natural wart removal products. you can compare natural wart products here
Reply:Some docs tie floss/ string around it. it will die from lack of a blood supply.
Reply:My adolescent daughter had a skin tag on her upper eyelid. While she was having an eye examination my wife asked the Dr. about the skin tag, and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "no problem". He reached over, picked up a tiny pair of scissors, held the skin tag with 2 fingers, and snipped it off at the base with the scissors. It didn't even bleed, and never grew back.
Reply:Well ive had a friend that had them as well and all we did was got a clean pair of nail clippers and clip them off youll feel a small sting but thats it and then your problem is gone but make sure some one can do it for you or if you think you can do it your self thats fine too i hope i helped you out good luck

Skin tags problem around the neck; is there any cure please ?

I have skin tags erupted around the neck for the last 2 years, gradually its increasing in number; consulting skin speacialis said there is no real cure for this; does anybody know any cure for this please.

Skin tags problem around the neck; is there any cure please ?
There isn't. But you can decrease further tags if you loose weight.

I get them too...
Reply:The only way you can get rid of the skin tags is to go to a dermatologist and have them frozen off. I don't think that there are any home remedies.
Reply:my mom had that problem %26amp; the doctor tied a string around them %26amp; they fell off...
Reply:I've snipped them off with a sterilized nail clipper before. Just hold the nail clipper over a lighter to sterlize it and then let it cool and snip the suckers off. WARNING: This hurts like crazy so if you are wimp don't try it.
Reply:There is no "cure" for skin tags. They are simply small benign tumors that unfortunately, can increase with age. They're only a cosmetic concern, not a medical problem, but you should be able to find a dermatologist who can remove them for you. Find a good Dr who will remove them through insurance, if you have it (especially warranted if the skin tags are constantly irritated).

Treatment may be done by freezing the tag with liquid nitrogen, tying off the tag with a thread or suture so as to cut off the blood supply, or cutting off (excising) the tag with a scalpel or scissors.
Reply:I will be having my 42nd birthday this summer, and began getting some skin tags a year or so ago. Just this week I went to my dermatologist for a skin check-up and skin tag removal. I asked why we have them, the nurse said it's mostly due to our genes. So some people have them, and some don't have them. They tend to be only in areas that have friction from clothes, and yes, they will multiply. Having mine removed was very simple, and painless. I encourage you to see a dermatologist and get rid of them ASAP, you'll feel better about yourself.


Skin Tags - Prevention?

I know that skin tags are harmelss, are caused by a virus on the skin and can be removed using string or freezing. However, I would like to know if there is anyway they can be prevented. I have quite a few of them.

My GP surgery will only refer to a private cosmetic surgeon for removal because it is not necessary for any medical reasons.

How does a beutician remove them? How much does it cost at a cosmetic surgeons?

Skin Tags - Prevention?
Please refer the following site for a thorough guidnace.
Reply:if you go on sunbeds stop it because that can be a cause. I got rid of some using that stuff that removes warts
Reply:I get them on my eye lids which is very irritating - my GP isn't interested either, so I have to resort to using tweezers and twisting them off.
Reply:They are also hereditary. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to stop them from popping up. I had them so I know how gross they can be. I am lucky that my GP took care of mine. I had to pay for it myself, insurance won't cover it, but it was SO worth it.

Skin Tags under arm and on back?

Any one know a remedy for skin tags ? earlier someone said liquid band aid- but its so new its not available in the UK yet.

Another source said duct tape as the body reabsobs the tags ?

Skin Tags under arm and on back?
Nah, if they really are skin tags, a doctor will just snip them off or freeze them with liquid nitrogen. I'm not suggesting this for YOU...but I remove my own skin tags at home with a pair of tiny, very sharp, sterilized scissors. It hurts a little and bleeds for a while, but then it's gone.

If you can tie a piece of dental floss around them very tight, they will drop off after a few days. The problem is getting the floss around then when they are in the underarm area. See if someone will help you do it.
Reply:Go to a Derm. Dr and get them removed
Reply:I would suggest that you not try home remedies but see a dermatologist to safely and quickly remove them.
Reply:Dermatologist.. got the numbing shot and just cut it off with some surgical scissors..
Reply:I've had a few over the years. The Dr cut a couple off, and froze a few off too. Can be done in one easy Dr appointment.

Skin tags on armpits, caused by shaving?

I have small brown patches of raised dry skin, almost like little skin tags, on my armpits. They aren't painful but are quite noticeable, particularly where they cluster together, and I feel very conscious of them. I went to the doctors a few years ago when I first started getting them and she stated there was nothing I could do?

Skin tags on armpits, caused by shaving?
These are harmless and can be removed medically by laser or you can pinch the blood out of them and whilst doing so tie them off with nylon line or similar . After a few days they will drop off.They are caused by the skin rubbing together and also appear at the top of the inner thighs. Hope this helps.
Reply:I developed skin tags on different parts of my body while pregnant with my first child, and my OB/GYN said I could have them removed if I wanted to. I chose not to (why not? you ask... I don't know...) I'm pregnant again and have one on my pit now, and have full intentions of having them removed after I give birth. Maybe you should try another doctor, because if a mole can be removed, why not a skin tag?
Reply:Oooh I've got them too, I'll be watching for solutions!
Reply:most skin tags are flesh colored and appear where clothes rub
Reply:are they almost like flat skin tags almost like red round zits? becuase i have them and started using lemon juice on them and changed my deoderant and wetn to a natural deoderant and they seem to be fading!

good luck.

Skin tags around vagina?

does anyone here know much about getting skin tags (harmless fleshy bumps) around the vagina? I was really worried about it, and went to the doctor. She said they are probably "skin tags" but we are waiting for my PAP results, which unfortunately won't be for another 2 months.. I wanted to know if anyone else here has ever dealt with them? Can shaving the area cause them? I am afraid of having HPV (gentail warts) and really hoping that that is not what it is.

Thank you for any knowledge or experience you could share with me.

Skin tags around vagina?
I get skin tags on my inner thighs and I hate them. I went to the doctor and he removed em. I get them cause I also get boils and when the boil is gone the skin streched and forms a tag. I've never had them on or near my vagina though. As far as I know, they are harmless. Are they tags or warts? Tags are small and just a flap of skin. Warts are hard bumps.


Skin Tags While Pregnant?

At first i thought that i had an STI but when i looked online it doesn't look anything like that. They look like skin tags. And i went to the hospital recently and the doctor checked to see if i was dialated. I assume that if it was an STI should would have me get tested. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and im going to have her double check just to be on the safe side.

So has any one else had skin tags around there vagina when they were pregnant and do they go away?

Skin Tags While Pregnant?
Make sure you talk to the doctor about the skin tag. Tell him/her that you'd like a test if they think it's a STD. I haven't had any skin tags, but my good friend did while she was pregnant - it did go away after she gave birth.
Reply:my wife has a skin tag near hers and she's not even pregnant, there's no need to panick!

Good luck with your pregnancy
Reply:My sister had the same thing--even the first doc, just an student doc, said it was an STD, but her OB said it was just skin tags. And they are very common in pregnancy. And no, they won't go away after you deliver, but your doc can snip them off in office.
Reply:Yes, i had one during my pregnancy, my doctor removed it and said it was due to hormone level increases. Years later I have one on my underarm,why i'm getting it now i don't know. Doctor says not to worry
Reply:you know how some people have little strawberry marks that look like busted veins under the skin?? some on my hand went crazy and proturded completely out, kinda like they exploded out of my skin. i would bump them and they would bleed. i had to have them removed. i will probably have it with this pregnancy too. you body does funny things when you pregnant

oh and this sounds like genital warts to me that are cause from HPV and they are harmless during pregnancy and will go away on there own. they are going crazy because you are pregnant. my sister has them, and she is 3 months.

Skin tags on vagina?

I went to the doctor, and had tests done for warts,and my doctor said they were skin tags, they are very tiny and bleed when i pick them, also he put vinegar on the bumps and he said if they turned white they were warts and they didnt change so therefore he diagnosed them as skin tags, can anyone please tell me how i got these, i started getting them when i changed my birth control, and they havent gone away for about 3 months, help me i want rid of them can someone please help me or have advice? thanks

Skin tags on vagina?
Skin tags come from hormonal changes. You will probably get them again when/if you are someday pregnant. You will probably have to go to a dermatologist to have them removed, or call a dermatologist and see what they recommend. What kind of doctor are you going to that didn't tell you anything more about your skin tags? Did you really go to a doctor or did someone just tell you the vinegar thing? I've never heard of that.
Reply:i somebody who, when they went through puberty, developed a couple skin tags on her upper body in addition to red bumps on the inside of her labia. her doc said its no big deal, and she asked her mom who said she'd heard of it and its no biggie. hormones are some pretty weird things, man.
Reply:You can get skin tags burnt off - my mum had them under her arm and she went to her GP and he performed the procedure.

A lot of people have skin tags and I wouldn't stress yourself about them.

Skin Tags - What is the easiest and safest way to remove skin tags? Why do you get them?

What is the easiest and safest way to remove skin tags? Why do you get them?

Skin Tags - What is the easiest and safest way to remove skin tags? Why do you get them?
I don't know why you get skin tags, it's probably genetic. But Dr. Gott, who I believe answers health questions in major national newspapers, suggests coating the skin tag with clear nail polish daily. Supposedly it works, although I have no personal experience with this. Seems like it would be worth a try though...good luck!
Reply:Are you saying that you tried the clear nail polish on your skin tags and they fell off after a few days? What exactly did you do? Report It

Reply:I'm not sure why you get them, but they are harmless. An easy way to get rid of one is to snip it off with nail clippers...dont snip off moles!
Reply:Don't have them frozen was horrible! I'd get them cut off before I'd go through that disgusting mess again! (Cutting them off is the preferred method for lots of people.)

Why do we get them? I have no idea...but I've got lots of them, I thought they were moles.

A small sliver of fresh garlic. Use a little round bandaid to cover it. Do this at night and remove during the day. It will fall off in about 5 days, maybe less.

Garlic is very potent, so keep it small and off the surrounding skin.

I don't know what causes them. I do have them and the garlic worked and is a heck of a lot cheaper than than going to the doctor!
Reply:you might want to specify their location...this can be VERY significant. I would freeze them in any event because it removes the skin source from which they sprang. I've seen one tied and cut and/or cut return. This is not intended as medical advice. Only experience.
Reply:Most dangerous medical treatment is do Urself w/o Doctor advice. Asking 4 trouble cut it off, put on horse crap, cover in duct tape! Remedy friend used 4 moles, warts, what ever no good / harmful? Ask who knows better b4 treating your self 2 more bills, pain!

Skin tags (removal)?

Is it possible to remove skin tags without even more appearing?

I did try some tighly wound cotton around the skin tag and eventually it fell off but I had some more appear in a different place (under my arm in the armpit) so I have not tried again in case of even more appearing. I know the doctor will remove them but is there a home remedy anyone can suggest (one that works)

Skin tags (removal)?
I had loads removed surgically and they still came back. I don't know of any home remedies as I would have tried them.
Reply:try coating them in clear finger nail polish daily until it is gone. Report It

Reply:they can always re-appear, they suck, just be careful, cause they can bleed like all hell if yoy try cutting them off yourself, and get mighty infected.
Reply:what the he!! is a skin tag
Reply:What is a skin tag???? I never heard of this!
Reply:Try tying a strand of hair around it, it will fall off, you can't guarantee not getting any more, as some people are just more prone to get them.
Reply:Taking one off is not what makes more apear, I can tell you that for sure. Do what you did before and remove them as fast as they apear. The body goes through all kinds of growth cycles and it is likely they will stop growing if you keep removing them. I've used thread and even new sharp nail clippers, just make sure they are steril and use some antibiotic ointment on the removal site to help them heal quick and not get infected.


Skin tags (removal)?

I have a few skin tags and was wondering what would be the best way to remove them myself.

I've heard of tying a peice of cotton around them

but how long will it take for the skin tags to fall off?

Skin tags (removal)?
my husbands doctor told him he could do that also. He said a couple of days.
Reply:When I have done this tried and tested way it took 3 days for them to drop off,just keep tightening the cotton to cut off the blood supply.
Reply:My friend has me do it for her sometimes-it takes a couple of days.
Reply:it will take a few days but within a few hours you can see them dying off its not sore at all get someone to help awkward to reach ones and tie tightly
Reply:I have used sterile clippers. Not sure it's a great idea for you but it worked for me.
Reply:A dermatologist can take care of those. Careful about self procedures as they can lead to infection.
Reply:That is a way to remove them but make sure you sterilize everything and watch for infection. Doctor also told husband that sometimes they do return.
Reply:Yep, my Dermatologist told me these are very common on the human body.

Using ligation (tying them off tight around their "stem") is very effective and, as mentioned above, takes a couple of days for them to "die off".

A sewing thread cleaned with alcohol first would work well.

Another method used in the Doctor's office is Cryotherapy where Nitrogen is applied to the skin tag for a few seconds, depending on the diameter and depth of freeze, and this will also take a day or so to shrivel up and fall off.
Reply:I have a few and a few times a strand of hair has gotten wrapped around them. This of course cuts off the blood supply and after about three days they fall off. Not very pleasant but it works!
Reply:my son had skin tags took him the doctors and he used a spray and they dissapeared he was only 4 at the time so it doesnt hurt its just cold so i would do it that way
Reply:i had one between my boobs and tied it with normal cotton.

after a few days it started going darker then black then fell off on about day 5! i got a few more to tackle now! dammit! its quite tricky to get the cotton round something so small.

it DOES deffo work tho, go for it

good luck.
Reply:go to your doctor who can offer freezing them off or cauterising them. do not try and remove them with cotton as you can cause an infection.

i had a large wide based one removed a few weeks ago but it had to be cut off due to its size.

Skin tags are thay contagious or not?

i have some skin tags under each arms and between my leggs i had somecut burnt off but find it very painful. Is there anyother way i can get rid of them, i no by tying then with string and letting them drop off by themselves u can do but i cant get to them myself as thay in a awkward position. and does skin tags only occur if u are over weight or fat?

Skin tags are thay contagious or not?
Skin tags are not contagious. Anyone can get them, they are not sympomatic of being overweight. I would not recommend burning them off. If you cannot get a friend or relative to tie them off for you see your doctor who can arrange for them to be removed.
Reply:I don't think they occur ONLY if you are overweight or fat but I did see someone say that the heavier you are the more you'll have and the more you'll continue to get. The ways to remove them that you mentioned are the only ways to do it unless you'd like to take a tweaser and twist em off..someone on yahoo answers said they did that too..eww wtf. lol ok good luck .

Skin Tags and Pregnancy.?

Basically for as long as I can remember I have had 2 skin tags, one under each of my armpits [which one was removed]. The one under my right armpit is still there and it has about tripled it's size since I have been pregnant. Well I grew another one on my neck about 5 or so years ago. It started off my natural skin color [white] and pregressively got a little larger and started turning brown. I am now 28 weeks pregnant and just realized that this skin tag on my neck is black and is as hard as a rock, it feels like it could just fall off. I have no feeling in it, it's just connected by a little skin. I was just wondering if I should be a little concerned since it's black but I'm not sure. Any suggestions? Because after having one removed, that is honestly my last resort!

Skin Tags and Pregnancy.?
I used to work for a dermatologist and it is very common for women to grow skin tags during pregnancy, or for the ones they already had to grow larger. They can be removed by being numbed then cut off with scissors or taken off with a razor blade. The worst part is the little poke when the needle goes into your skin. And yes, the numbing medicine (lidocaine) is safe to use during pregnancy. If you can't handle doing that you can wrap a piece of hair, dental floss, or string around the skin tag several times so that it is tight. After some time it will fall off by itself. It could happen fairly quickly or it could take a week or so. Good luck, I hope this helps.
Reply:I have a skin tag on my side that appeared and grew while I was pregnant. It's funny to me because my child used to play with it while she nursed and now that she's weaned she is still enamored of it and has to touch it whenever she feels insecure.

Anyhow, here's what I found on the web on the subject from a "Dr. Rockoff":

"Skin tags often turn black when they get rubbed or twisted and lose their blood supply. Sometimes this happens even without any remembered trama. certainly would see the doctor to be sure, but don't be surprised if the whole things doesn't just die and fall off before you get there. Happens all the time. If the doctor looks and can't see anything at all, then you can be sure it wasn't anything more than a ski tag or similar benign growth."

Skin tags,if irritated daily will they get bigger?also..?

my chest skin feels sort of sensitive,and every week or so i notice a new one,and im in high school,so i'm too young for them are'nt i?can the way you eat give you more?does the sun have negative or positive effects on them?if i remove it witha string will it,or even more grow in its place?i have a growinging number,i don't need any more,ifa docter removes them will they come back?

OK thx people,i know a couple of others who wana know this stuff,any lotions?even talcom powder to stop my sensitive skin from getting irrtated and making more?does sweat make more?nervousness?i need to know!also i have "Keratosis pilaris" on my arms and i've got a skin tag near there too.could that skin condition make skin tags?and could the medication worsen the tags?

i'll give a 5 star answer to any one who answers a question of mine or two thx!

Skin tags,if irritated daily will they get bigger?also..?
Hi, there. No one is quite sure what causes skin tags. There is agreement that hormones can and do contribute to skin tag formation. Although you are so young, you're body's going through many hormonal changes right now. Those changes may be what is causing the skin tags. Other theories about the cause of skin tags include heredity, insulin resistance, and undiagnosed allergies. Those are just theories, though.

If skin tags are irritated daily, they sometimes will get larger. There are some doctors that believe daily chafing and irritation can actually cause skin tags, but that theory is only believed by a few doctors.

If you or your doctor remove skin tags with string (or sterile fingernail clippers, sterile sharp scissors, etc.), you most likely won't have another skin tag grow in the exact same location, but you may have new tags appear in the same general area.

Using talcum powder may help alleviate the irritation you're experiencing. Aloe vera gel with some Lavender essential oil blended in will also bring quick relief and will help the skin heal.

Skin tags can be caused by some medications. I'm assuming you are not using steroids, but steroids can and do cause skin tags. Have you discussed the skin tags with your doctor(s)? Considering your other condition, you really should mention these to your doctor and see what s/he says.

I wish you the best of luck finding a way to reduce your skin tags. I also have them and know what a pain they can be.
Reply:Noone knows for sure how and why tags come about, so if they don''t bother you than leave alone, if they do bother you and go to doctor, he will take them off and it will cost money for it. bets way to do it yourself is to tie a small piecs of string around it and tie it so it is tight and leave on for about 5 days and they will fall off be themselves as when you tie it, the blood flow is cut off and they fall right off.

shell flower

Anal skin tags?

I had a skin tag near anus long ago. Recently i have developed another anal skin tag after my delivery. Is anal skin tags harmful. There is no problem with these tags. No pain or blood flow. But iam feeling uncomfortable. How can we shrink these tags or prevenion from new skin tags near anus.

Anal skin tags?
Anal tags are seen in chronic anal fissures.Anal fiisure is a painful condition causing sharp,agonising pain starting during defecation.Anal fissures do develop during child birth

. The anal tags are also called "sentinel pile' (just a picturesque description of it). In your case as the fissures are not causing any pain it may that you have a little lax anus, other wise the anal margin in cases of fissures is puckerd and quite tight and causes constipation. If you dont have any problem dont bother about them. There is no harm,But if it is bothering you they can be easily removed ,consult a general surgeon.
Reply:Make an appointment with your can get them removed easily in the office. While you're there, ask your doctor to check for HPV. Some strains of HPV can cause anal condyloma.
Reply:Ive got a anal skin tag. It was worrying me so much so my mum took me to the docs. She told me it was a skin tag and as long as it doesn't hurt me or i get any pain from it i can just leave it alone. She also said if it does cause me any problems she will give me some antibiotics. I would suggest seeing a doc they will most probley give you something, or you could get it removed. Hope i helped and good luck!

Skin tags?

Was wondering if anyone else had a baby that was born with these? My 6 week old daughter has one on each side of her face, Right by her ears, The DR. said she would take them off when we go in for her 2 month well baby....

Was just wondering if anyone else went through the 'taking off' process, And wanted to know if it harmed the baby- Or exactly what they will do with her?

Skin tags?
They are harmless.

My son had one beside his nipple. All the nurses told the doc he had a third nipple! LOL

My doc tied a stich around it and after a couple of days with no blood supply it turned black and fell off.
Reply:I've had skin tags taken off...the just burn them pain at prepared that they do gorw back.

Skin tags??

I had a couple under my armpits and one in the middle of my breasts. Over the past few weeks I would say at least 50 have developed under my armpit.

My question is..... how do I get rid of them and can them be harmful?

Skin tags??
You can have them surgically removed. Apparently you can tie string round them to cut off the blood flow and they drop off never tried it so don't know if it works but have seen that method used in magazines. They are not harmful unless you get one growing on a mole just un sightly
Reply:My friend had these in the same place, she went to the doctors who froze them off and it wasn't that bad at all :O) not harmful
Reply:A doctor can easily tie them off, the blood supply will cease and they will drop off. They are harmless but annoying.
Reply:Thats a rapid growth. I have had some before but only 1 or 2. I used to twist them until they eventuallyfell off! But i wouldnt advise it with that many. See your GP asap.
Reply:go to your dr. and he/she can refer you to a cosmetic surgeon who can remove them
Reply:You'll need to go to a doctor and have them removed by them!!! It is a quick, painless procedure!! Well I believe it is!!
Reply:They are not harmful.

I had one under my arm,and I actually accidentally shaved it off. Oops. But it didn't hurt, and it never came back.

If you have a lot of them like that, and you find them unsightly or if they cause you discomfort, a doctor can numb the skin and pop them off.
Reply:My wife used that "Wartner" (excuse spelling) which is advertised on TV to freeze them... Worked a treat and but for the initial stinging no pain whatsoever
Reply:If you get your Doctor to give you a letter, then your Beauty Therapist should be able to cauterise them off (burn them - with a special thingy).


Reply:Skin tags are not harmful. I had a couple burnt off at the doctors. He did tell me I could pull them off if I wanted but I'd always rather check with the dcotor incase I pulled a mole or something off thinking it was a skin tag.
Reply:I had skin tags as a result of a hormone "overdrive" they are gone now but the specialist suprised me by getting a very sharp pair of surgical scissors and cutting them off. He then went on to tell me that I could do the same thing if I saw anymore. I must admit the thought made me want to faint!!
Reply:They are due to superficial virus infection in the skin. Almost everyone gets them. They are basically harmless. If you just nip them off they recur on the same site, because the virus is still in the surrounding skin. Cautery with nitrogen is a common treatment.
Reply:i suffer really badly with them too i have had alot taken off at the doctors but they just come back i recently found out it was part of the condition i have

Skin Tags?

These just keep popping up,especially on my back. They are small but annoying. Why, or how do you get them? And how do you get rid of them?

Skin Tags?
in response to jennen's question i think its quite bad to stereotype skin tags with being overweight, i suffer skin tags and yes im over weight, but when i was a healthy size 12 and had them on my neck, arms and back it wasnt because of weight then!! Also although yes i am overweight there is no skin 'rubbing' together (i think this must be on very overweight people) after looking up on websites its not just assosiated with being overweight, they can appear on anyone for different reasons.

A skin tag is a common but harmless skin growth.

Skin tags are frequently found on the eyelids, neck, chest, armpits, and groin.

Treatments include freezing, tying off with a thread or suture, or cutting off.

there are quite a few websites that can help you including this one:

and seriously are you some kind of dietision?? keep the weight off or it will come back, its because of weight and they will get infected and its painful. IF YOU DONT KNOW DONT ANSWER

They are formed by rubbing. It's just how some skin behaves. The best way to get rid of them is to lose all excess weight, and keep it off. For some reason the skin of over-weight people forms skin tags.

Skin tags can be cut off or frozen by liquid nitrogen. Both can be infected, and are painful. If you do not lose the extra weight, the skin tags will grow right back.


Skin tags?

My son is 9 and has one on the side of his neck. Shirts don't cover it and now he is saying that kids pick on him at school about it. The doctor doesn't seem to care about it and I was wondering if I could do something at home for it? wart remover wouldn't work would it? what can you suggest for us? thanks!

Skin tags?
Tie a thread around the base of it, tight as you can. Tie the thread in a knot and leave it tied. The tag will fall off on it's own because you're cutting off the blood supply. It may take a couple of days, but it will work. I use it all the time on mine.
Reply:I get them occasionally and I just cut them off. That's whay they do at the doctors office. Just nip it off with small scissors (like sewing scissors), put some anitbiotic cream (like Bacitracin) on it, and put a Bandaid on it. It will bleed at first and take a few days to heal up. It only hurts a tiny bit when you cut it off, maybe like pricking your finger with a pin.
Reply:Hi. Please excuse me for sounding so sure of myself, but I have been through this and feel I am really giving you good advice. Go to a doctor (and paediatrician, dermatologist or GP) and have it removed right away. It is a safe, simple and painless procedure and it will save your child from being made fun of at school (don't you remember how awful that was?). Don't wait. He is suffering and will be scarred much worse from the ridicule than from this simple little two second operation with the painless flick of a scalpel. You can't do this at home. Find a doctor and just tell them what you want done. Trust me.
Reply:People normally get skin tags if they are overweight.

My friend has a small one and she said it hurt a lot

but she cut it off!

For detailed info, GO HERE!
Reply:Take your son to a dermatologist.
Reply:I had some on my neck. I read about it on the Mayo Clinic web site, and they said it was OK to trim them off if you are sure it isn't actually a mole. So I clipped it with a new nail clipper dipped in rubbing alcohol. It bled a little, I wore a bandage for a while, and it's still gone. I got this from rubbing too hard on my neck with the washcloth, at least that's what I think it was from.
Reply:I am very sorry to hear of your sons situation. Being a nine year old is hard enough now-a-daysso I'm sure having something children can find to pick on must be extremely hard for him. Skin tags are usually very unattractive and VERY unwanted. I am not sure why your doctor isn't taking your concerns more serious, I believe you should find another physician who will be more sensitive to the problem.

Now to answer your question Skin Tags ARE treatable, however there isn't anything that I'm aware of that you can do at home. It is a procedure needing to be handled by a medical staff. It is usually done by a freezing process and removed by either cutting it off or using a tying procedure to get rid of it. I have included a website that I hope will help in your quest for more information.

Good Luck, and let your son know that with or without the skin tag he is HANDSOME!!!
Reply:apply clear nail polish twice a day. should dry up and fall off in 4 to 6 days.
Reply:i lost weight and all of mine went away by themselves.
Reply:No doctor will agree with my method but I have used it many times without problem.

Ice the skin tag for few minutes. (direct ice) Wipe with alcohol. Cut skin tag off with a cuticle scissors( as close to the neck as you can). Wipe again with alchol and press to stop any minor bleeding. Works every time and hurts a lot less than you think.

Skin tags?

whats the easyist way to get rid of them without having to go to the doctor?

Skin tags?
Per the Mayo Clinic:

"It is generally not recommended that you remove skin tags yourself because of the increased risk of infection and excessive bleeding. In addition, other skin growths — such as moles, keratoses, hemangiomas and pyogenic granulomas — can resemble skin tags and should only be removed by a doctor."

Plus, they usually will just grow back if you try to remove them on your own.
Reply:You have to go to the DR. A dermatologist just freezes them right off- painless and insurance covers it
Reply:I think they have to be snipped off by a dermatologist. Don't do this yourself! Go to the doctor.

Skin tags?

Does anyone else get these little patched of skin that just come up? I am 25w and i get them and sometimes they get irratated. anyone eles?

Skin tags?
I havent got any myself. but have heard they r quiet normal to get during pregnancy.
Reply:Ive read in my pregnancy books that skintags are a common side effect of pregnancy. I have one under my armpit, its weird! but common, dont worry
Reply:My friend has one. They just form when your skin rubs.Everyone gets them.It is normal.
Reply:Hi I'm 27 weeks and I have skin tags too. I really hope they go away after the baby is born. I have them on one side of my neck I have also noticed that my moles are bigger than they were before.
Reply:Yes. I get them. At one point I had many = especially on my neck area. I had them all burned off at the skin doctor. They use a cold liquid chemical. Dip a Q tip in it and put it on the tag. It was a sinch. They scabbed up like a little zit and fell off. I felt so much "cleaner" after they were removed. Good luck,
Reply:No worries, it's common during pregnancy. So far I haven't had any, but before becoming pregnant, I had a few. After baby is born or even now, you can get them removed. You just go to your primary doctor. They put a numbing agent(which amounts to amebesol if you ask me) on the skin tag and take a pair of scissors and cut them off. Trust me, it's painless, I'm a huge baby.
Reply:Got em, got lots of them! I'm 33 weeks +5 now and I have them on my neck, my arm pits, my stomach, my back and probably a few places I haven't even looked yet! They look like liitle red bumps. The only ones that get irritated are where my clothing rubs or the arm pits from shaving. I was told that if you are patient they do go away on their own a few months after your hormone levels return to normal. I hope so because I know I won't have the money to pay someone to burn them off LOL.
Reply:i don't think i have 'em but its common during pregnancy. You may have to have them remove by a Dermatologist after pregnancy!

Skin tags.?

I havea few skin tagson my body, i'd like to get rid of them by trimming them off but hear you can bleed to death or get Cancer (not sure if this is an old wives tale) i know u can get rid of them by tying a bit of thread round then, stopping the blood supply then they fall off, but someare in tricky places, i wouldent be able to reack to tie a knot around them, leading to me thinking of just trimming them off, is it safe?

Thanks in advance

Skin tags.?
Please don't do it this way. Either keep them I have or else go to the doctor and have them removed. Don't do it yourself you could get a nasty infection
Reply:the doctor can do it for you
Reply:the doctor can freeze them off
Reply:get someone to tie it for you,i have nipped a tag off and nothing happened
Reply:My dad has his removed by the Sister at our local Surgery, for free! only took about 2 mins to do 3 of em. Why go through all the hassle of doing it yrself?
Reply:Please don't. You are risking septacaemia. Go and see if your doctor is willing to arrange to have it doen properly.
Reply:I had a few that a doctor removed for me. They have slowly grown back (it's taken 5-10 years, and they're still small). He said that I could just remove them myself, too. Fingernail trimmers would do it if you can stand to clip them off yourself, or you could have someone cut them off with an exacto knife, too. The bleeding wouldn't be too bad - just use a styptic pencil like men use to stop bleeding when the cut themselves shaving. The doctor used a drop of silver iodide, I think. That stung, but I had no bleeding afterwards.

I would think that the cancer bit was just an old wives tale.
Reply:I had a skin tag and my doc advised me to tie the old string round, it worked perfectly and now my nip is tag free! Don't snip, tie the cotton!
Reply:You're not going to bleed to death, but it would be much better to have a dermatologist do it. Also have them check if they are malignant. Usually tabs aren't, but if you're going into the doctor, have them check your whole body. It's something everyone should do at least once a year.
Reply:i had one recently that had grown too big to just ignore-the doctor said about the cotton bit and that they were totally harmless,although in the process of my fiddling with it i had twisted it and had effectively killed it.Within a few hours of doing this it had shrivelled up due to lack of blood-it was then easy to just pull it off.This is the rationale behind tying cotton round it.
Reply:It isn't that you would get cancer or bleed to death - it's the risk of infection. Stll, let a doctor snip them off for you or freeze them off.
Reply:Your best bet it to let the doctor do it. He did mine and it didn't hurt at all. He freezes it. It goes black and drops off
Reply:I have had several removed by dr. I have email address of place to write that answeres questions just like this one. I would say send them and email and ask. Address is
Reply:I've had this done myself - just go to your doctors and your nurse should be able to freeze them off with liquid nitrogen there and then. Its just a very short tingly stingy sensation, goes hard and drops off within a couple of days.

Hope this helps!

(You could just use thread yourself but as you said, this could be quite tricky and can bleed quite a lot whereas the method above is painless and gore free!)
Reply:my husband has some skin tags aswell and one is on his balls! the doctor can remove them easily for you . it is not something i would advise doing yourself!
Reply:Go and see your Dr they can do this for you
Reply:DO NOT CUT THEM OFF YOURSELF, they are a kind of wart and they won't stop bleeding for a long time plus they would become infected, if you are gonna tie them off you MUST steralize them at the same time with surgical spirit, and keep doing it until they turn black and drop off. They will return aftera while though, they are unsightly but they are harmless, please remember DO NOT CUT THEM OFF.
Reply:Have you gone to the doctor? Skin tags can be a sign of some serious medical conditions, such as lymphedema. Do that, and while you're there ask about the best way to remove them.
Reply:You could get someone to tie them for you, make sure its strong tread though and that they are tied right at the bottom. But I'd advise you to go to your doctors. They can remove them very easily and pain free for you. They simply dab on some liquid nitrogen and it freezes it. It will then be completely gone in a few days.

I wouldn't advise trimming them, don't think you'd ever bleed to death, but you could easily pick up some bacteria in the wound or spread it with whatever you trimmed it with.
Reply:Have you someone to help you tie up the skin tags you can't reach? Because this way does work
Reply:Don't trim them off, my son got quite a few of them took off at doctors

elephant foot

Skin tags?.?

is it safe for someone to remove a skin tag on their own. i think they are gross and i just found one, i only though really overweight people got them. They gross me out and want to get rid of it with out having to go to the doctor.

Skin tags?.?
I wouldn't do that again. I tried to clip one off of the back of my arm and it got infected even though I sterilized the clipper with alcohol. It grossed me out, too and I'm not overweight, but I'd let a doctor remove it because the infection was way on grosser than that tiny little skin tag was.
Reply:a friend of mine used to remove his all the time by using a razor and just shaving them off. he never had any trouble doing it. just have a band aid handy cuz they bleed a lot.
Reply:I removed one myself. I tied string around it really tightly to cut off the blood supply and then just snipped it off. As long as you know it's definitely a skin tag and it's not too big it should be quite safe as skin tags are harmless. Just make sure that the scissors are sterile and that you clean and cover the area well afterwards.
Reply:Well, Darling that's surgery. I would consult a physician instead of a bunch of strangers on yahoo. Small price to pay to keep from being scare for life.

Lots of people get them. I think they are inherited. My Mom had them and got them removed. I'm hoping I don't get them. She had them already by the time she was my age so, so far so good.
Reply:I have cut several off myself. I just take fingernail scissors and cut quickly. There is not much of an area to get infected, not much more than a scratch.
Reply:Believe it or not, fresh garlic. Slice a small, thin piece off a fresh garlic bulb. Lay it over the tag and cover with a bandaid. Do this at night until the tag falls off, usually 3-4 days. Keep it open during the day.

Garlic is nature's antibiotic so it won't get infected.

It works.
Reply:Keep this in mind, whenever you break the skin, your leaving bacteria in. Doing something like this is harmful of course and I have to say, see your doctor.

Skin tags?

Is there a way to remove a skin tag without doing it surgically? Are there any creams/lotions? All answers are greatly appreciated!

Skin tags?
It depends on how much it is attached to your skin, and how big it is. If it hangs loosely you could twist it until it falls off, or sterilize a small carpenter's tool and remove it that way. Although, it WILL be painful. Also, if it is quite large, you will have a larger wound after removal (obviously), and you will run a greater risk of infection. If it's not visible or extremely bothersome, then just leave it alone. A lot of times they fall off on their own. I am a registered nurse, and I wouldn't personally recommend removing it on your own. I am not aware of any creams or lotions other than wart removal ointment (Compound W) which you could also try. This is a type of acid that literally burns it off. But it's also something to be very careful with. Hope this at least helps some!
Reply:tie a string around it, DONT PULL, and it ill eventually fall off. should take several days, pain free
Reply:You can cut them off with a sharp pair of tweezers. I would suggest that you deaden the area first with ice or some Emla lotion (prescription), use a pair of tweezers that have been sterilized, clean the area good, and have some salve and band-aid ready. It may scar, so have some mederma cream handy.
Reply:This is gross but my grandmother used to call them witch t*ts(don't ask cuz I don't know). And she used to cut them off with nail clippers, they would bleed for a minute then problem solved. Not saying I really suggest this, but true story!

Skin tags/?

I think I have a skin tag. It is so small though. It's like the size of a pimple, but I still want to get it off badly. The doctor would think I'm crazy if I came in just to have that taken off. So, are there any home treatments that you can use at home?

Skin tags/?
First of all, a doc will not think you're crazy. That's a very normal complaint that takes about 10 minutes to fix. There are no home remedies that will work as well as having it removed in the doc's office.
Reply:Here's what my doctor told me to do. Tie a piece of thread around the tag. Make sure it's tight. Put a bandaid over it. It will fall off in a few days.

I did this and it worked fine.
Reply:Not really safely. Skin tags almost always have to be frozen or cut off. Also, your provider would not think you were crazy for going in just to have this removed. I have patients come in all the time for things like that!
Reply:You can tie a clean thread around the base of it, pull it tight, so it strangles the tag, and it will dry up, and fall off. A nurse I know it a dermatology clinic says she cuts them off, but they bleed like hell, so be warned. If you try any of these remedies you do so at your own risk, I am merely repeating things I have heard.
Reply:My ex-husband had them. They have to be medically removed. If you try to remove them yourself they will only grow back. By doing it yourself you also might damage the skin and leave yourself with another mark on the skin. You do it yourself, they will only grow back. Go see your doctor, tell him/her something to the effect of they are getting irritated by being rubbed by clothes, you hand etc. Make something up, but go see a doctor.
Reply:tight encircling with a filament to cut its blood supply ,it drops off spontaneously...
Reply:I had one once so I cut it off with a pair of scissors, it bled a little but it wasnt so bad
Reply:Just a word of advice, go to the doctor. Dermatologists make a fortune on these things, so that tells you that many many people go in for this very reason. Whatever you do, don't try to remove it yourself. Both my husband and I cut them off ourselves (before we even met) and both of us said the same thing about it. It was far more painfull than either of us anticipated, and they bled very hard. It was hard to control the bleeding. If you tell the doctor that it's really bothering you (it hurts when your clothes rub up against it) your health insurance should cover the cost of the removal.
Reply:I'm covered with the effing things! One of these days I am going to get up the nerve to do the string thing on a couple of them.

Skin tags?

Is there anyway you can remove a skin tag yourself (my insurance won''t cover getting it removed)? Can you freeze them off with one of those over the counter kits they have for warts? I know its not the same thing but I thought maybe... I gotta figure something out cause even though no one really sees my armpit its ugly and annoying. Oh and once I accidentally cut it off shaving and it just came back so that didn't work and it hurt.

Also what causes a skin tag in the first place?

Skin tags?
You can clip them off with nail clippers. Seriously. My dermatologist told me I could do it, it's almost exactly what they do, and it'll hurt the same. They may come back, but it would be the same if they were removed at the doctor. I'm not sure what causes them exactly, but I didn't have any until I got pregnant, and I got a ton.
Reply:It is a benign tumor (Not cancerous). Don't cut it off, because it will bleed and grow back, or you can get an infection. Go to the doctor to get it removed. It is quick, painless, and covered on your medical insurance.

Any real doctor will NEVER recommend you cut them off with nail clippers. EVER.
Reply:You know, mine actually came off once, you can pull it off with tweezers, its not really recommended because it could bleed, but mine just came off one day haha after I had been picking at it for a while.

And I'm not too sure where it comes from.
Reply:Tie a small piece of string around them. Pull the thread tight and cut off the circulation. After a day or two they will just fall off.
Reply:I am not sure what causes them...But my last dermatology visit I had a couple around my neck area and the Doctor got some little scissors and simply cut them off. it didn't hurt and really just a tiny bit of blood nothing bad. they have not come back as of yet but they probably will.


Skin tags?

I asked a question a while ago about a growth on my neck which i got quite a few answers for and have found out that it is a skin tag. So thank you for my answers.

The problem now is that this skin tag has become really itchy and has changed from being skin colour to dark brown. Any ideas to what might have happened? im not wanting to go to my doctor if it is nothing to worry about.


Skin tags?
I was one of the people to answer yu as i have a skin tag myself, i would definately go and get it checked out if it is itchy as this does nto sound normal.

i hope you get it sorted, good luck
Reply:Ask your doctor.
Reply:for your own saftey and peace of mind please go to the Dr

Advice is always it it changes in appearance color or is itchy get it seen to.

Go on make an apt or you will always worry
Reply:If i was you i would go and see my doctor. It probably is nothing to worry about but it might be best to get medical advice rather than leave it.
Reply:I had one on the back of my ear, and scratched it and it came off. There was loads and loads of blood, but at least I have got rid of it.
Reply:You should totally go to the doctor if anything like that changes! Seriously, do get it looked at by a professional! I had one once on my breast (looked so weird!) and I got it removed. They froze it off which didn't hurt a bit and I can't even say where it was now! Not a hint of a scar!!

DO go to the doc!! Good luck hun!
Reply:get yourself to the doctors !!! any skin tag or freckle that changes colour or appearance needs to be examined - i don't want to scare u, but sometimes it can be the first sign of skin cancer. it probably won't be that (hopefully), but better safe than sorry. only your doctor will know for sure if the changes u describe are worth worrying about or not. hope it turns out well for u.
Reply:Do what everyone else does (if its just a skin tag) take scissors and snip it off.. or pay yer dermatologist big money to do the same damn thing.. yer choice...

If yer worried about the change.. by all means see yer dermatologist..
Reply:go to the doctor - dark brown isnt a good colour especially if it is risen - it may just be a skin irratation have you changed soaps or anything?
Reply:go to the doc right now!! i don't like the sound of that!! better safe than sorry i say. good luck hun.
Reply:Only a dr can determine what is going on with this skin tag, or if it's something else going on. I would recommend having this evaluated by your dr to see what they think.
Reply:You really need to go to the doctors and have it checked out. You should always get any growth on the skin which changes looked at. Go today to put your mind at rest. Good luck x
Reply:sounds like the blood supply has been damaged somehow and it's going to fall off, but best to seek medical advice direct via your GP or practise nurse

when my son was born he too had a skin tag near his ear which was removed when he was about 4 months old.

so maybe you should see your doctor and get him to remove it, it's a simple process and can be done there and then no worries, it doesn't hurt.
Reply:Sometimes a skin tag gets caught up in or irritated by jewellery or clothing. If this happens it bleeds a little and sometimes dries up and gets itchy. I am presuming this is what has happened, and it may be scabbing up.

If it was a mole and it changed colour that would be something that needs to be checked by a doctor, but if you are positive that its only a skin tag, my understanding is that they are not dangerous.
Reply:I get rid of my skin tags by breaking off the circulation to them just the skin tag and applying a fungal over the counter cream to them . it take a few days but they do fall off . you may want to get a bi opsy of it done by your regular doctor Insist on one ! to make sure its not something more serious
Reply:Do you think it might be better to email NHS direct rather than yahoo answers? or are you mental?

Skin tags???

what are skin tags? what makes them appear? is there any way to get rid of them w/o going to Dr?

Skin tags???
A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.

Skin tags are harmless, although they are sometimes irritated by clothing or jewelry. Why and how skin tags form is not entirely known, but there are correlations with age and obesity. They are more common in people with diabetes mellitus and in pregnant women. It is estimated that by age 70, up to 59 percent of people have them.

Skin tags can be snipped off with a scissors, or removed by freezing (cryotherapy) or with electrical current (electrodessication) in your dermatologist's office.

It is generally not recommended that you remove skin tags yourself because of the increased risk of infection and excessive bleeding. In addition, other skin growths — such as moles, keratoses, hemangiomas and pyogenic granulomas — can resemble skin tags and should only be removed by a doctor.
Reply:I know, firsthand, that the most effective method of treatment is cutting.

While this may be a test of your tolerance for pain, a clean pair of nail clippers can clip them right off. Make sure to apply a dab of antibacterial ointment afterwards.