Thursday, May 7, 2009

Skin Tags?

These just keep popping up,especially on my back. They are small but annoying. Why, or how do you get them? And how do you get rid of them?

Skin Tags?
in response to jennen's question i think its quite bad to stereotype skin tags with being overweight, i suffer skin tags and yes im over weight, but when i was a healthy size 12 and had them on my neck, arms and back it wasnt because of weight then!! Also although yes i am overweight there is no skin 'rubbing' together (i think this must be on very overweight people) after looking up on websites its not just assosiated with being overweight, they can appear on anyone for different reasons.

A skin tag is a common but harmless skin growth.

Skin tags are frequently found on the eyelids, neck, chest, armpits, and groin.

Treatments include freezing, tying off with a thread or suture, or cutting off.

there are quite a few websites that can help you including this one:

and seriously are you some kind of dietision?? keep the weight off or it will come back, its because of weight and they will get infected and its painful. IF YOU DONT KNOW DONT ANSWER

They are formed by rubbing. It's just how some skin behaves. The best way to get rid of them is to lose all excess weight, and keep it off. For some reason the skin of over-weight people forms skin tags.

Skin tags can be cut off or frozen by liquid nitrogen. Both can be infected, and are painful. If you do not lose the extra weight, the skin tags will grow right back.


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