Thursday, May 7, 2009

Skin tags??

I had a couple under my armpits and one in the middle of my breasts. Over the past few weeks I would say at least 50 have developed under my armpit.

My question is..... how do I get rid of them and can them be harmful?

Skin tags??
You can have them surgically removed. Apparently you can tie string round them to cut off the blood flow and they drop off never tried it so don't know if it works but have seen that method used in magazines. They are not harmful unless you get one growing on a mole just un sightly
Reply:My friend had these in the same place, she went to the doctors who froze them off and it wasn't that bad at all :O) not harmful
Reply:A doctor can easily tie them off, the blood supply will cease and they will drop off. They are harmless but annoying.
Reply:Thats a rapid growth. I have had some before but only 1 or 2. I used to twist them until they eventuallyfell off! But i wouldnt advise it with that many. See your GP asap.
Reply:go to your dr. and he/she can refer you to a cosmetic surgeon who can remove them
Reply:You'll need to go to a doctor and have them removed by them!!! It is a quick, painless procedure!! Well I believe it is!!
Reply:They are not harmful.

I had one under my arm,and I actually accidentally shaved it off. Oops. But it didn't hurt, and it never came back.

If you have a lot of them like that, and you find them unsightly or if they cause you discomfort, a doctor can numb the skin and pop them off.
Reply:My wife used that "Wartner" (excuse spelling) which is advertised on TV to freeze them... Worked a treat and but for the initial stinging no pain whatsoever
Reply:If you get your Doctor to give you a letter, then your Beauty Therapist should be able to cauterise them off (burn them - with a special thingy).


Reply:Skin tags are not harmful. I had a couple burnt off at the doctors. He did tell me I could pull them off if I wanted but I'd always rather check with the dcotor incase I pulled a mole or something off thinking it was a skin tag.
Reply:I had skin tags as a result of a hormone "overdrive" they are gone now but the specialist suprised me by getting a very sharp pair of surgical scissors and cutting them off. He then went on to tell me that I could do the same thing if I saw anymore. I must admit the thought made me want to faint!!
Reply:They are due to superficial virus infection in the skin. Almost everyone gets them. They are basically harmless. If you just nip them off they recur on the same site, because the virus is still in the surrounding skin. Cautery with nitrogen is a common treatment.
Reply:i suffer really badly with them too i have had alot taken off at the doctors but they just come back i recently found out it was part of the condition i have

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