Thursday, May 7, 2009

Skin tags?

I asked a question a while ago about a growth on my neck which i got quite a few answers for and have found out that it is a skin tag. So thank you for my answers.

The problem now is that this skin tag has become really itchy and has changed from being skin colour to dark brown. Any ideas to what might have happened? im not wanting to go to my doctor if it is nothing to worry about.


Skin tags?
I was one of the people to answer yu as i have a skin tag myself, i would definately go and get it checked out if it is itchy as this does nto sound normal.

i hope you get it sorted, good luck
Reply:Ask your doctor.
Reply:for your own saftey and peace of mind please go to the Dr

Advice is always it it changes in appearance color or is itchy get it seen to.

Go on make an apt or you will always worry
Reply:If i was you i would go and see my doctor. It probably is nothing to worry about but it might be best to get medical advice rather than leave it.
Reply:I had one on the back of my ear, and scratched it and it came off. There was loads and loads of blood, but at least I have got rid of it.
Reply:You should totally go to the doctor if anything like that changes! Seriously, do get it looked at by a professional! I had one once on my breast (looked so weird!) and I got it removed. They froze it off which didn't hurt a bit and I can't even say where it was now! Not a hint of a scar!!

DO go to the doc!! Good luck hun!
Reply:get yourself to the doctors !!! any skin tag or freckle that changes colour or appearance needs to be examined - i don't want to scare u, but sometimes it can be the first sign of skin cancer. it probably won't be that (hopefully), but better safe than sorry. only your doctor will know for sure if the changes u describe are worth worrying about or not. hope it turns out well for u.
Reply:Do what everyone else does (if its just a skin tag) take scissors and snip it off.. or pay yer dermatologist big money to do the same damn thing.. yer choice...

If yer worried about the change.. by all means see yer dermatologist..
Reply:go to the doctor - dark brown isnt a good colour especially if it is risen - it may just be a skin irratation have you changed soaps or anything?
Reply:go to the doc right now!! i don't like the sound of that!! better safe than sorry i say. good luck hun.
Reply:Only a dr can determine what is going on with this skin tag, or if it's something else going on. I would recommend having this evaluated by your dr to see what they think.
Reply:You really need to go to the doctors and have it checked out. You should always get any growth on the skin which changes looked at. Go today to put your mind at rest. Good luck x
Reply:sounds like the blood supply has been damaged somehow and it's going to fall off, but best to seek medical advice direct via your GP or practise nurse

when my son was born he too had a skin tag near his ear which was removed when he was about 4 months old.

so maybe you should see your doctor and get him to remove it, it's a simple process and can be done there and then no worries, it doesn't hurt.
Reply:Sometimes a skin tag gets caught up in or irritated by jewellery or clothing. If this happens it bleeds a little and sometimes dries up and gets itchy. I am presuming this is what has happened, and it may be scabbing up.

If it was a mole and it changed colour that would be something that needs to be checked by a doctor, but if you are positive that its only a skin tag, my understanding is that they are not dangerous.
Reply:I get rid of my skin tags by breaking off the circulation to them just the skin tag and applying a fungal over the counter cream to them . it take a few days but they do fall off . you may want to get a bi opsy of it done by your regular doctor Insist on one ! to make sure its not something more serious
Reply:Do you think it might be better to email NHS direct rather than yahoo answers? or are you mental?

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