Thursday, May 7, 2009

Skin tags?

Is there anyway you can remove a skin tag yourself (my insurance won''t cover getting it removed)? Can you freeze them off with one of those over the counter kits they have for warts? I know its not the same thing but I thought maybe... I gotta figure something out cause even though no one really sees my armpit its ugly and annoying. Oh and once I accidentally cut it off shaving and it just came back so that didn't work and it hurt.

Also what causes a skin tag in the first place?

Skin tags?
You can clip them off with nail clippers. Seriously. My dermatologist told me I could do it, it's almost exactly what they do, and it'll hurt the same. They may come back, but it would be the same if they were removed at the doctor. I'm not sure what causes them exactly, but I didn't have any until I got pregnant, and I got a ton.
Reply:It is a benign tumor (Not cancerous). Don't cut it off, because it will bleed and grow back, or you can get an infection. Go to the doctor to get it removed. It is quick, painless, and covered on your medical insurance.

Any real doctor will NEVER recommend you cut them off with nail clippers. EVER.
Reply:You know, mine actually came off once, you can pull it off with tweezers, its not really recommended because it could bleed, but mine just came off one day haha after I had been picking at it for a while.

And I'm not too sure where it comes from.
Reply:Tie a small piece of string around them. Pull the thread tight and cut off the circulation. After a day or two they will just fall off.
Reply:I am not sure what causes them...But my last dermatology visit I had a couple around my neck area and the Doctor got some little scissors and simply cut them off. it didn't hurt and really just a tiny bit of blood nothing bad. they have not come back as of yet but they probably will.


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