Friday, November 20, 2009

Tying off skin tags?

When you tie off a skin tag, how long does it stay swollen and painful for before it dries up and falls off? I tied it off two days ago, and at the minute it's very swollen and tender. How long should I expect it to take to dry up and fall off? It's fairly large, about 0.5cm in diameter.

Tying off skin tags?
If you are experiencing pain and swelling,you need to see your doctor.

Skin tags can easily be removed in a matter of seconds at the doctor's office.

Attempting to do this yourself can cause infection and chances are that if you already have swelling and pain,you could already have an infection going on.

I can't believe that people have never heard of a skin tag! Maybe they should Google it!
Reply:What is a skin tag?
Reply:In cases in which a skin tag is irritated or cosmetically unwanted, treatment may be done by freezing the tag with liquid nitrogen, tying off the tag with a thread or suture so as to cut off the blood supply, or cutting off (excising) the tag with a scalpel or scissors.
Reply:You really shouldn't be attempting to do this at home, you could develop an infection. And that would be much worse than just a swollen, tender area. See a doctor. I know skin tags are gross and some can be painful depending on location, but home treatment just doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
Reply:I used to tie them off my friend with a strand of hair. They would just fall off never noticed when. Theyd just be gone.

I didn't know anyone did that. It's wierd.

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