Monday, November 16, 2009

How to get rid of skin tags?

Warm climates promote skin tags by skin viruses. Any good ideas? I have been able to cut some off when pulled out. The doctor charged me too much to cut one off and then it grew back.

How to get rid of skin tags?
Ive had them too, liquid nitrogen works well. I have also tried cutting and they came back. the nitrogen got rid of them.
Reply:I wore a bandaid over mine for several weeks, because when I went to work, it would rub against my collar and hurt painfully. I guess I suffocated it to death? Skin tags need oxygen to live? I don't know but after wearing bandaids for several weeks when going to work, it finally disappeared. Report It

Reply:The only way that i know of for sure is to see a dermatologist and he can laser or freeze them off.
Reply:try applying apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and attaching the cotton ball with a bandaid.
Reply:You can get Burn Jel Plus which has lidocaine if you are afraid of the pain. Put this on for two hours before clipping off the tag. I disinfect the scissors and put antibiotic ointment on afterwards.

Since you aren't paying anything, it doesn't matter if it grows back.

- not a doctor
Reply:Get some ambesol ( I know it is for tooth and Gum Ache) Rub it aroung the skin tag and surrounding skin either you or someone snip it off with small scissors after the skin is good a numb. Worked for me!

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